04. Year B - Third Sunday in Lent

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04. Year B - Third Sunday in Lent

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VERSION: 29 April 2002




In 2003: 23 Mar

In 2006: 19 Mar

In 2009: 15 Mar

In 2012: 11 Mar

In 2015: 8 Mar

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Note: For explanations and suggestions on the various resources provided, see the documents 'General notes and resources' and 'Lent season' in the 'General and seasonal' folder.






See the document 'General notes and resources', under 'Sentence', in the 'General and seasonal' folder for suggestions on using a Sentence.


The Lord said to Israel:  If you obey my voice and keep my covenant,

you shall be for me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation. (Exod19:5a,6a NRSV)



The message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,

but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

(1 Cor 1:18 NRSV)


OR, use one of the standard Lent Sentences in the document 'Lent season', under 'Sentence', in the 'General and seasonal' folder.


OR, use one of the general Sentences in the document 'General notes and resources', under 'Sentence', in the 'General and seasonal' folder.



In some traditions, it is customary to recite the Ten Commandments before the confession of sins. Consider having the first reading from Exodus 20:1-17 read at this point in the service rather than after the prayer of the day (collect).


OR, use the following introduction.


Friends in Christ:

These are the words that God spoke to the people of Israel:


I am the Lord your God.

Do not have any god except me.

Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

Remember God's special day and keep it holy.

Respect your father and your mother.

Do not murder.

Do not be unfaithful in marriage.

Do not steal.

Do not tell lies about anyone.

Do not want anyone else's house.

Do not want anyone else's husband or wife, servants, animals or possessions.


God says:

I am the Lord your God,

and I demand all your love.

If you reject me,

I will punish your families

for three or four generations.

But if your love me,

and obey my laws,

I will be kind to your families

for thousands of generations.


Knowing that we have failed to keep the law of God,

let us confess our sins to God our Father,

and ask him, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ,

to forgive us.


The usual confession and questions follow.

After the questions of confession, before the absolution, the pastor may say:


St Paul reminds us

that we do not have a righteousness of our own

that comes from the law,

but we have a righteousness

that comes from God through faith in Christ.

Therefore, upon your confession . . .




Almighty God,

look upon the heartfelt desires

of your humble servants,

and stretch out your mighty hand

to defend us against all our enemies;

through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.



OR, modernised traditional

Almighty God,

look in mercy on our heartfelt desires,

and stretch out your mighty hand

to defend us.

We ask this through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.



OR, alternative

(Let us pray for strength in temptation. [silence])

Lord God, our strength,

the battle of good and evil rages

within and around us.

Keep us firm in our faith in your Son,

and when we fall,

raise and restore us.

We ask this through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.



OR, new

(Let us pray that we live repentant lives. [silence])

Holy and merciful God,

we thank you for giving your Son Jesus

to die on the cross for us sinners.

Turn us away from our sins

and back to a life of trust in you.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.




Exodus 20:1-17 The Ten Commandments



Psalm 19


(Lord,) you have the words of everlasting life. (John 6:68b NRSV)



1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Christ crucified - God's power and wisdom



Use either the Verse given in the order of service or the following verse.


After he was raised from the dead,

his disciples believed the scripture

and the word that Jesus had spoken. (John 2:22 NRSV)



John 2:13-22 Jesus cleanses the temple and gives a sign



This is the gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.

Thank you, Lord Jesus,

for coming from God with his power and authority.

Help us to trust in you alone.




Thank you, Lord, for Christ crucified,

as your wisdom and the power that saves us.

Help us to have no other gods but you,

and to live our lives fully committed to you,

obeying your commandments

and loving and serving other people.




Call to prayer

We are the New Testament temples of the living God on which the grace of God shines each day. We pray together, confident that all our words and thoughts are heard through Jesus.


The regular response, OR:

For inviting us to talk with you each day,

we praise you, Lord.


Suggestions for prayer

Heavenly Father,

your Son Jesus did not sit in the temple and wait for the people to find him, but he went out into the world in loving concern like a shepherd looking for his lost sheep. Through him, you have found us and chosen to live in us as your living temples. We are in awe of your loving care and concern.


Our bodies are home to you. Remain the centre of all we do and are, in our family life, in the parish, and in our daily work. Open our minds to talk with you each day about the things that are precious and most important to you.


We pray for


those who teach in our homes, congregations and communities


those who sow your word in the minds of strangers to you


those who learn, so that they use their knowledge wisely


those who work in the media


those who can't read or write


those who are ashamed of their bodies


those who suffer from low self-esteem


those who are so proud of their learning that they are of no help to anyone


those who are wise enough to trust you more than anyone else.


We rejoice that your word is not just for clever people, but for all people. By your Holy Spirit, work miracles by sowing your word in hearts and minds where there was nothing but emptiness and unbelief. Create faith where there was nothing but cold hard rocks. Plant hope where people have no hope for the future. Create unselfish love in the hearts of people who have used others to satisfy their own plans. Continue your marvellous work in our lives.


When we feel weak, and ashamed of the way we let you down, especially when we hurt other people, focus our eyes on the cross of Jesus so that we are made stronger to care about others and to follow in your ways.


Concluding prayer

Heavenly Father, your loving Son Jesus Christ has become our brother, and has chosen to come and live in us through humble bread and wine. Strengthen us today so that we have a deeper loving concern for people. Come with us so that we touch their lives with your love.




The following prayer is based on the Ten Commandments. It may be prayed by several intercessors.


Lord God heavenly Father, you have commanded us to have no other gods. Keep us faithful to you alone, dethrone the idols in our life, and give us the grace to fear/honour, love and trust you above all things.


Gracious Father, your name is holy. Stop us from using it in unholy ways. Let the name that you put on us in baptism keep us holy, and may we always trust in the holy name of Jesus and use his name in prayer and praise.


This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Almighty God and Father, you created six days in which to work and the seventh you made a day of rest. Grant that we may use the Lord's day for rest and hearing your word.


Gracious Father in heaven, in your goodness you have given us fathers and mothers whom you want us to honour. Grant that by the help of your Spirit all Christian parents may bring their children up to fear/honour and love you, and that children may not provoke their parents to anger but love, respect, and obey them. Keep the families of the church united, and strengthen them through your word.


Lord of life, you have created the world and you give life to all people. Grant that by your grace all may respect the sanctity of life, including the life of the unborn. Let us do nothing to hurt or harm our neighbour in any way, but rather to be of help, especially in times of need.


Merciful Father, you have established the state of marriage and continue to bless it. Give us grace to lead a chaste and pure life. Bless all who are married; enable them to remain faithful to their vows, and to be patient and forgiving.


Almighty God, you are the giver and preserver of all good things. Help us to value honest work as your gift and the means by which you bless our country. Give us joy as we serve others with unselfish hearts. Give work to the unemployed and help them to use their extra time constructively and for the good of their communities.


Lord God our heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ you have shown yourself to be for us and not against us. Help us to be loyal to our neighbours and do nothing to damage their reputation. Show us the log in our own eye when we find a speck in their eye. Make us more ready to forgive than to judge, and always view the actions of others in the most favourable light.


Gracious God and Father, you are the owner and giver of all things. Enable us to be good stewards of all your gifts, content with what you have given us, and eager to advance the cause of others even if it is to our disadvantage. Give us a generous heart and joy in serving our neighbour.



It is indeed right and good,

Lord God, holy Father,

that we should at all times and in all places

give thanks to you,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

He has taken on himself our sin,

so that we might die to sin

and live to righteousness.

And so, with angels and archangels,

and with all the company of heaven,

we adore and praise your glorious name:



Every time we eat this bread and drink from this cup

we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

(Thanks be to God.)

Come, everything is ready.



For a Lent post-communion prayer, see the document 'Lent season', under 'Prayer after communion', in the 'General and seasonal' folder. Alternatively, use the third prayer of the day (as listed above) at this point. It may be modified as follows.


Lord God, our strength,

the battle of good and evil rages

within and around us.

Through this holy meal,

strengthen our faith in your Son,

and when we fall,

raise and restore us.

We ask this through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.




This seasonal blessing is used together with (ie before) the usual blessing in the order of service.


(May) Christ our crucified Saviour draw you to himself,

so that you may find in him the assurance of sins forgiven

and the gift of eternal life; . . .



Be strong in the strength of the Lord.

Thanks be to God. OR In the name of Christ. Amen.






Please note:        * =        Modernised version available

      G3, G4 . . . =        Guitar chords available in the Music Package 3, 4 . . .

      GS =        Guitar chords in the Supplement to LH


First reading: Exodus 20:1-17



The law of God is good and wise G3


O that the Lord would guide my ways* G6


Holy Father, Thou hast taught me* G5


May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfil* G3



One God



The Lord Jehovah reigns


Help us, O Lord, to learn


O for a closer walk with thee


Second reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25



When I survey the wondrous cross G5


We sing the praise of Him who died G5


Praise to the Holiest in the height G8


In Jesus I find peace and rest (esp v 3)* G3


In the cross of Christ I glory G4


Lift high the cross GS


Your strong Word broke through the darkness G5



We have seen the Word of life



Praise to the holiest in the height


Morning glory, starlit sky


Christ is the world's redeemer


When pain and terror strike by chance


When I survey the wondrous cross


Nature with open volume stands


We sing the praise of him who died


In the cross of Christ I glory


Lift high the cross


Come, Holy Spirit, come (esp vv 1,2)


Gospel: John 2:13-22



Alone Thou goest forth, O Lord G5


Glorious things of Thee are spoken* G9


Built on a rock the Church doth stand* G4


Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word* G5



Man more than man



Man more than man


Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word


Glorious things of you are spoken



For musical settings of Psalm 19, see Music Packages 3, 5, 6 and 7.


TIS 7, The sky tells the glory of God, is a version of Psalm 19:1-5, and TIS 8, God's law is perfect, is a version of Psalm 19:7-10.


The Iona song 'May the words of my mouth' in ATO 323 may be used as a congregational refrain, while a reader reads the verses of Psalm 19.


The following paraphrase of Psalm 19 by David Sch¸tz is sung to either St Denio (LH 392, TIS 143) or Foundation (LHS A4, TIS 578). If reproducing this version, please put 'Words (c) David Sch¸tz' at the beginning or the end of the psalm.


Accept now, O Lord, my redeemer, my rock,

the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart.

The heavens are telling your glory and power,

your handwork is shown by the sky all around.


Though night teaches night, and though day speaks to day,

no language is heard in the words that they say.

And yet their voice goes throughout all of the world,

their words are conveyed to the end of the earth.


God set up a tent for the sun in the sky;

it comes like a bridegroom on his wedding day,

and runs, like an athlete, from morning to night,

and nothing is hidden from its burning light.


The Lord's law is perfect, reviving the soul;

his precepts are right, making saddened hearts whole.

His teachings are certain, they make us all wise;

and all his commandments give light to our eyes.


The fear of the Lord will forever endure.

His judgments are righteous and holy and pure,

far sweeter than honey, more precious than gold;

in them both a warning and promise is told.


But no-one can know all the things they've done wrong,

so cleanse me from those secret things that I've done.

From sinning intention'ly, Lord, keep me free,

then holy and blameless forever I'll be.



The following song is a translation of Martin Luther's 'Dies sind die heilgen Zehn Gebot', by David Sch¸tz, based in part on earlier translations. The suggested tune is 'Christmas in the scrub', by Leigh Newton (ATA 134). It should be sung at a lively pace, especially because it is quite lengthy otherwise! Maybe it would be best to split the song into two parts, and (for instance) to sing part before the sermon and part afterwards.


These are the holy ten commands

that God the Lord has giv'n to us

through his true servant, Moses, high

upon the Mountain Sina-i.

I am your God and Lord alone,

no other God shall be your own.

Put your whole confidence in me,

and always love me faithfully.



For these commandments I am giving you

      to show you how to live,

they guard from harm and danger

      and protect the gifts I give.


You shall not use the holy name

of God the Lord with low disdain;

praise only that as good and true

which I myself would say and do.

And keep the holy day God blest

that you and all your house may rest.

And put aside the work you do,

so I may do some work in you.


Give honour and obedience to

your parents, and to all it's due,

Serve them with all your heart and hand;

that you may live long in the land.

Do not be angry, harm or kill,

and do not hate or bear ill will.

Be patient and of gentle mind,

to show your foe that you are kind.


Be faithful to your marriage vow;

for straying hearts are not allowed!

Keep all your words and actions clean

through modesty and discipline.

And do not steal or take away

what others sweated for all day;

but open wide your gentle hand

to all the poor throughout the land.


Do not tell lies of anyone;

the gossip stories must be shunned.

Defend the innocent from blame,

and use your love to hide their shame.

And do not want your neighbour's goods,

their fam'ly, home or livelihoods,

but pray that ev'rything that's theirs

will always stay the way it is.


These ten commands have all been giv'n

to show us that we're deep in sin;

but also that we learn to see

how God would have our life to be.

And so we see that all is lost

if our good works are all we've got;

Lord Jesus, come and place your cross

to stand between us and God's wrath!


Last chorus:

For Jesus Christ our Lord has come to us

      to die that we might live;

he frees us from all danger

      and he keeps us in God's love.



The song 'When to the temple' on page 76 of Heaven shall not wait (Vol 1 of the Wildgoose Songs) is appropriate for today.


Note: The Iona Community is willing to allow a church or worship assembly to reproduce the words only of a song from this publication on a service sheet or overhead projector transparency that is to be used once only on a non-commercial basis...provided that the title of the song and name of the copyright owner are clearly shown.





See the document 'General notes and resources', under 'Notes on the readings', in the 'General and seasonal' folder.


GENESIS 20:1-17: The law of God, given through Moses to Israel at Mount Sinai, was spoken by the voice of God and written by him on two tablets of stone. Although brief, this code of conduct yet encompassed a breadth of social behaviour towards family and community which would guarantee an ideal society if followed comprehensively. God Almighty (El Shaddal) had the right to expect Israel to follow his stipulated will as he was the gracious and protecting saviour who had brought his people out of Israel. Nearly all the commands (except for the abrogated Sabbath command) are repeated and amplified variously in the New Testament.


1 CORINTHIANS 1:18-25: We still run up against the same difficulty as St Paul did with the gospel if we proclaim it faithfully. The world sees it as weak and foolish. The sophisticated 'wise' of our time also expect to reach and find God only if he can be defined and explained by human intellectual power. Paul shows us that salvation comes only by the power of God through the word he chooses to use to change people and save them. The crucifixion calls for humble sorrow over sin, but because it is the 'wisdom of God' is the only effective means of lifting people above their own intellectual limits unto an eternal relationship with the Father.


JOHN 2:13-22: Because of the Jewish dispersion, the sale of sacrificial animals and money changing was offered as a service to people who had travelled long distances to Jerusalem. However, the presence of competitive commercial enterprise and no doubt the accompanying opportunity for exorbitant profiteering had threatened true devotional worship. Hence Jesus' sharp and dramatic reaction. His reference to 'my Father's house' implies clearly a distinctive messianic claim. Recognition of this claim led the Jews to ask for a 'sign' or miracle to prove his authority. Understandably the enigmatic reply about raising his body in three days went past their comprehension. The disciples, on the other hand, remembered the saying after the resurrection. Their faith that Jesus' word was on the same level as the Old Testament scripture was thus strengthened.






Pictures or visual symbols could be displayed on banners or the overhead screen during the readings. For instance, the first reading could be accompanied by an illustration of the two tablets of the commandments or a picture like the one in the TEV Bible for Deuteronomy 5:2.






See a drama for the day in Mega Drama resources (Openbook Publishers), originally included in these worship resources when they were released on disks.



The readings can be read by more than one person to make the dramatic meaning of the text clearer. For instance, the first reading could be read by various readers reading the different commandments; and the gospel could be read by three readers: narrator (the pastor), Jesus, Jewish authority.






The Come and See Jesus curriculum published by Openbook Publishers has a wealth of material and ideas that may be adapted for use in worship. Please note that a new edition of this material is now available for the Revised Common Lectionary.


This week's story is 'Jesus clears the temple'. Material for this story may be found in Series B, 3 Lent, in both the original edition and the revised RCL edition.