24. Year C - Pentecost Day

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24. Year C - Pentecost Day

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VERSION: 29 April 2002




In 2004: 30 May

In 2007: 27 May

In 2010: 23 May

In 2013: 19 May

In 2016: 15 May

- - -


Note: For a Pentecost vigil service, which could be held on Pentecost Eve, see the document 'Pentecost eve (vigil)', in the 'Rites and services' folder.



The Jewish festival 'Pentecost' came fifty days after the Passover. According to the Acts account, this was the day that the Holy Spirit was given to the church. In the earliest period of the church, Pentecost was a double celebration of both the ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. It was only late in the fourth century that the ascension came to be celebrated separately on its chronological date 40 days after Easter. At the same time, the term 'Pentecost' often referred to the whole 50 day period, not just the final Sunday. Despite the fact that the Acts chronology has received a liturgical imprimatur, Luke's gospel seems to place Jesus' ascension on the same day as his resurrection, and John's gospel also places the giving of the Holy Spirit on Easter day. So it can be seen that the themes of Christ's resurrection and ascension, together with the coming of the Holy Spirit, form not separate celebrations, but one celebration in the church.


As few people attend the Ascension Day services of the church today, we may need to give consideration to reintroducing the theme of the ascension into the Pentecost celebration, noting the clear connection between the two on the basis of texts such as John 14.


Just as the third article of the creeds was not highly developed in the early period, so also the ancient church developed no particular ceremonies in connection with Pentecost, apart from the fact that this is the last day that the paschal candle is lit.






See the document 'General notes and resources', under 'Sentence', in the 'General and seasonal' folder for suggestions on using a Sentence.


God has poured out his love into our hearts

by the Holy Spirit whom he has given us. (Rom 5:5 NIV)

Come, Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life.

Fill the hearts of your faithful people

and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Come, Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life.



Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful people

and kindle in them the fire of your love.



The call to confession may be introduced with the following words:


Friends in Christ:

Jesus said to his apostles:

'Receive the Holy Spirit.

If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven;

if you proclaim them unforgiven, unforgiven they remain.'



Pentecost was a baptismal festival in the early church, because of the emphasis on new life in the Spirit. In the place of the confession and absolution, or in the place of the creed, the congregation may be invited to affirm their baptism by using the form found in the Easter Vigil service in Church Rites, pp 301, 302. This is reproduced here:


Brothers and sisters in Christ:

Do you renounce the devil

and all his works

and all his ways?

Yes, I do.


Do you believe in God the Father?

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

      maker of heaven and earth.


Do you believe in God the Son?

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

      who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

      born of the Virgin Mary,

      suffered under Pontius Pilate,

      was crucified, dead, and buried.

      He descended into hell.

      The third day he rose again from the dead.

      He ascended into heaven,

      and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty,

      from thence he will come to judge the living and the dead.


Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

      the holy catholic church,

      the communion of saints,

      the forgiveness of sins,

      the resurrection of the body,

      and the life everlasting. Amen.


Do you intend to remain firm in this faith

and reflect it in love to God and your neighbour?

Yes, I do.


(May) God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given you new birth by water and the Spirit and has forgiven you all your sins, strengthen you with his Spirit , so that you receive eternal life.



With due pastoral care and explanation, this affirmation may be enhanced by using the sprinkling (asperges) ceremony. After the affirmation (or after the absolution, if the affirmation is not used) the congregation sings a baptismal song or Pentecost hymn, while the minister walks around the congregation and sprinkles them with water. An evergreen sprig and a small bowl of water are suitable for this purpose. For more details, see the document 'Sprinkling (asperges) ceremony', in the 'Rites and services' folder.



One of the following versions of the 'Lord, have mercy' may be used. The musical setting in the liturgy being used may be adapted to fit, or one of the Taize settings may be used (see Music from Taize, volume one (pages 55-59) or volume two (page 36)).


Risen Lord Jesus, hear our prayer and give us your Spirit of life.

Lord, have mercy. OR Kyrie, eleison.

Risen Lord Jesus, hear our prayer and give us your Spirit of joy.

Christ, have mercy. OR Christe, eleison.

Risen Lord Jesus, hear our prayer and give us your Spirit of peace.

Lord, have mercy. OR Kyrie, eleison.



Lord Jesus Christ, anointed by the Spirit, hear our prayer and save us.

Lord, have mercy. OR Kyrie, eleison.

Lord Jesus Christ, well of living water, hear our prayer and help us.

Christ, have mercy. OR Christe, eleison.

Lord Jesus Christ, giver of the Holy Spirit, hear our prayer and give us peace.

Lord, have mercy.  OR Kyrie, eleison.



Let us call on the Lord, to whom we belong through our baptism.

Lord God, heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit to renew the earth:

Lord, have mercy. OR Kyrie, eleison.

Lord Jesus Christ, help us to win people for you:

Christ, have mercy. OR Christe, eleison.

Lord God, Holy Spirit, kindle in us the fire of your divine love:

Lord, have mercy. OR Kyrie, eleison.




O God,

since you taught the hearts of your faithful people

by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit:

Grant us by the same Spirit

to have a right judgment in all things

and always rejoice in his holy comfort;

through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.



OR, modernised traditional

Lord God,

you taught the hearts of your faithful people

by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit.

Fill us with the same Spirit,

so that we may love what is right

and always rejoice in his comfort.

We ask this through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.



OR, new (revised alternative)

(Let us pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. [silence])

Almighty and merciful God,

you sent your Holy Spirit at Pentecost,

making the disciples bold to preach the good news.

Send us out with the power of the same Spirit

to spread the fire of your love.

We ask this through your Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.




Note: It is intended that the reading from Acts be read as either the first or the second reading. Although alternatives are given for both the first and second readings, the Acts reading should not to be omitted on this day.


Acts 2:1-21 The coming of the Holy Spirit


Genesis 11:1-9 The tower of Babel and confusion of tongues



Psalm 104:24-34, 35b


(You) send out your Spirit, and (you) renew the face of the earth.

(Ps 104:30)



Romans 8:14-17 The Spirit makes us God's children

(If using NRSV, begin: ' All who are led . . .'; if using NIV, begin: 'Those who are led . . .')

OR, if not read as the first reading:

Acts 2:1-21 The coming of the Holy Spirit



See below under 'Hymns and songs', 'Pentecost sequence hymn', for the Pentecost sequence which may be sung at this point.




The Spirit of the Lord fills the world. Alleluia!


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people,

and kindle in them the fire of your love.




John 14:8-17(25-27) Jesus promises the Holy Spirit

(Begin: 'Philip said to Jesus:')



This is the gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for sending us the Spirit.

Fill us with the Holy Spirit,

so that we can know you and the Father.




Holy God,

may the Spirit you give us

make us more and more like your Son,

loving and self-giving.




Call to prayer

Let us pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church.



Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


Suggested intercessions


We thank you, holy Father, that, as you had promised, you gave your Holy Spirit to all your people at Pentecost. Pour out your life-giving Spirit on your holy church throughout the world and equip its members with the gifts of your Spirit.


You brought light out of darkness and order out of chaos by your Spirit in the creation of the world. Let your Spirit move over our unruly world and heal its broken people.


You sent out your Spirit on the disciples like the rush of a mighty wind and distributed tongues of fire on their heads. Burn out all that is evil in us; consecrate all your people for holy service, and empower them to work with you for the salvation of the world.


You inspired the disciples with your Spirit to praise your marvellous deeds in many different languages. Unloose the tongues of all your people, so that they may joyfully confess you as their Lord and boldly proclaim their common faith to all the world.


Your Spirit touched the hearts of those who heard the gospel from Peter. Sharpen the consciences of those who hear your word and convince them of its truth, so that they may turn from their sins and receive the gift of forgiveness.


You gave the Holy Spirit to all those who were baptised on the day of Pentecost. Let your Spirit renew the faith of all those who have been baptised, so that they may devote themselves in public worship to the teaching of the apostles, the giving of gifts to you, the breaking of bread in the Lord's supper, and the prayer of the church for the world.


Concluding prayer

You united people from many different nations and cultures by your Holy Spirit. Bring together those who have been divided by misunderstanding, hatred, and mistrust, and join us with them and all the angels as we adore you forever; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reign with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.




As an alternative form of the intercessions for this day, the following litany may be prayed. As it is quite lengthy, it can be edited to suit the circumstances (especially section 7). The response after each line in sections 3-7 may be omitted and replaced with a single response at the end of the section. In section 7, specific intercessions may be added, eg 'That you would heal the sick, especially . . .'


1        Lord, have mercy.

      Christ, have mercy.

      Lord, have mercy.


2        O Christ, hear us.

      Christ, graciously hear us.


3        O God the Father in heaven:

      Have mercy on us.

      O God the Son, redeemer of the world:

      Have mercy on us.

      O God the Holy Spirit, comforter and sanctifier:

      Have mercy on us.


4        O Spirit of wisdom and understanding:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of counsel and might:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of knowledge and godliness:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of the fear of the Lord:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of love, joy, and peace:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of, patience, kindness, and generosity:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control:

      Have mercy on us.

      O Spirit of adoption as the children of God:

      Have mercy on us.


5        From all sin and from all evil:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      From the crafts and attacks of Satan:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      From uncleanness of mind or body:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.


6        By your eternal procession from the Father and the Son:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your working at creation:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your inspiration of the prophets:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your descent upon the mother of our Lord at his incarnation:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your descent upon our Lord at his baptism:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your descent upon the apostles at Pentecost:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your continual presence with the church:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.

      By your grace and pity in the day of judgment:

      O Holy Spirit, deliver us.


7        That you would shine your light and love into our hearts:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would open to us the treasures of your grace:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would teach us to pray according to your will:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would teach us to pray, and also pray within us:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That we may not grieve you or despise you:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That we may remember that our bodies are your temple

              and be careful not to defile them:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would guide and direct all young people:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would heal the divisions between families:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would heal the sick:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would reconcile all people to one another:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would lead us into all truth:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would grant your unity to the church:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.

      That you would grant your peace to the whole world:

      O Holy Spirit, hear us.


8        O Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world :

      Pour out your Holy Spirit on us.

      O Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world :

      Send down your Holy Spirit on us.

      O Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world :

      Grant us your Holy Spirit of peace.


9        O Christ, hear us :

      Christ, graciously hear us.



O Spirit of the living God,

breathe into our lives,

and renew and transform us,

so that we may serve our Lord Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Father,

one God, now and forever.




It is indeed right and good,

Lord God, holy Father,

that we should at all times and in all places

give thanks to you,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

When he had ascended above the heavens

and was enthroned at your right hand,

he poured out the promised Holy Spirit

on his chosen people.

At this the whole earth greatly rejoices,

praising your name with many tongues.

And so, with angels and archangels,

and with all the company of heaven,

we adore and praise your glorious name:



Here is a modified form of the eucharistic prayer (ie prayer of thanksgiving) in the Service - Alternative Form (also in the Sing the Feast settings).


All praise and thanks be to you, eternal God, holy Father,

together with your only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,

and the Holy Spirit, who unites your people in love.

We thank you for creating all things.

We thank you for calling and rescuing your chosen people.

Above all we thank and praise you

for keeping your promise to the people of old

and sending your Son Jesus Christ.

You poured out your Spirit on us,

filling us with gifts and leading us into all truth.

You give your people power

to proclaim the good news about your Son to all nations.

And so we remember

his life, death, and resurrection for our salvation

as he comes to us in this holy meal.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.


Here is a version for use in the Modern Liturgy (originally from Worship Today).


Gracious Father,

we remember the sacrifice of our Lord in celebration,

as we receive his body and blood

with this bread and wine.

We rejoice to receive all that he has done for us

in his life and death,

his resurrection and ascension.

We thank you that you poured out your Spirit on us,

filling us with gifts and leading us into all truth,

and that you give your people power

to proclaim the good news about your Son to all nations.

As you sent your Holy Spirit at Pentecost,

so fill us with your Spirit

that we who receive the body and blood of Christ

may live as true members of the body of your Son.



If using the Service - Alternative Form or Sing the Feast settings 1 or 2, you could modify the prayer 'Send us your Holy Spirit' in the following way.


As you sent your Holy Spirit at Pentecost,

so send us now your Spirit to strengthen our faith,

so that we who receive the body and blood of Christ

may live as true members of the body of your Son.

Amen. Come, Holy Spirit.



If using the Service with Communion, you could use the above prayer after the words of institution, beginning:


Heavenly Father, as you sent . . .



Jesus says: 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me,

and let the one who believes in me drink.'

(Thanks be to God.)

Come, everything is ready.



We thank you, heavenly Father,

that you have given us one Spirit to drink

through the body and blood of your Son.

Let your Holy Spirit unite us all

in the holy fellowship of faith and love and praise.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and forever.




This seasonal blessing is used together with (ie before) the usual blessing in the order of service.


(May) the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,

so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope; . . .



Go in peace, in the Spirit of the Lord.

Thanks be to God. OR In the name of Christ. Amen.







Please note:        * =        Modernised version available

      G3, G4 . . . =        Guitar chords available in the Music Package 3, 4 . . .

      GS =        Guitar chords in the Supplement to LH


First reading(a): Acts 2:1-21



Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove* G8


Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire


Come down, O Love divine G8


Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord* G4


O Holy Spirit, enter Thou* G3


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God* G5


Breathe on me, Breath of God G5


O Spirit of the living God G5


Revive Thy work, O Lord* G5


Father, who the light this day G4


Filled with the Spirit's power G7


Let every Christian pray G7


My Lord of light, who made the worlds G8



Spirit, Spirit of gentleness


As a dream receive your history


Spirit of God, you're with me


Pour it all out, Jesus


Wa wa wa Emimimo


Holy Spirit, living water



Alleluia (v 6)


Come, Holy Spirit, our souls inspire


Come, Spirit blest, Creator, come


Come down, O love divine


Come, Spirit of God, holy Lord


O Holy Spirit, enter in


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God


Lord God, the Spirit blest


O Spirit of the living God


Spirit divine, attend our prayers


Breathe on me, Breath of God


O breath of life, come sweeping through us


Filled with the Spirit's power


Praise the Spirit in creation


Great God, your Spirit like the wind


Holy Spirit, go before us


Come, Holy Spirit, come


Christians, lift up your hearts


O thou who camest from above


Wa wa wa Emimimo


First reading (b) : Genesis 11:1-9



Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord* G4



Spirit, Spirit of gentleness


Spirit of God, you're with me



Come, Spirit of God, holy Lord


Second reading (a): Romans 8:14-17



Draw us to Thee* G5


Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord* G5


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God* G5


Come O come, Thou quickening Spirit* G3


We all believe in one true God* G3


Arise, my soul, arise G9 (esp v 1,4,5)


Baptized into Thy name most holy* G4


Jehovah, let me now adore Thee* G5 (esp v 1,4,5 - v5 not revised)


With joyful hearts your praises bring* G3


Father in heaven G5


Eternal ruler of the ceaseless round G6


We are heirs of the Father GS


O Father, my Father GS



O Father, my Father


We are heirs of the Father


Father in heaven


When your Spirit moves


God sends us his Spirit


A child of God



Come, Spirit of God, holy Lord


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God


God sends us his Spirit


We all believe in God who made


Father in heaven


Baptised into your name most holy


Wash, O God, your sons and daughters


Second reading (b): Acts 2:1-21

See suggestions for first reading


Gospel: John 14:8-17 (25-27)



Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove* G8


O Holy Ghost, to Thee we all pray* G3


O Holy Ghost, Thou gift divine* G5


O Holy Spirit, enter Thou* G3


Come gracious Spirit, heavenly dove G5


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God* G5


O enter, Lord, Thy temple* G4


Holy Ghost, with light divine* G5


Thou art the way, to Thee alone* G6


Built on a rock the Church doth stand*


Lord, Thy blessing send us* G7


Peace to soothe all grief and woe G5



Love is the law


My peace I give


God sends us his Spirit


Spirit of God




Peace be with you


Make your home in me


Don't be afraid



Thou art the way, by thee alone


O Holy Spirit, enter in


O Spirit of Life, O Spirit of God


Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove


God sends us his Spirit


Holy Spirit, come confirm us


Spirit of truth, essential God


Come now, everlasting Spirit


By your priestly power, O risen Lord


O Master, let me walk with thee


Dona nobis pacem (verse John 14:27)


Shalom to you now



For information on the sequence hymns, see the document 'Easter season', under 'Sequence hymn', in the 'General and seasonal' folder.


The Lutheran Hymnal has a version of the Pentecost sequence at LHS 120. The tune, however, may be difficult for congregations to sing. Therefore, a text by David Sch¸tz (based on the text in the Lutheran Hymnal) is provided here for singing to an alternative tune, Capetown (LH 354). Three verses from the original (3, 4, and 7) that were omitted from the hymnal version have also been included here. If singing all ten verses, consider alternating between the two sides of the church or between men and women.


Holy Spirit, come, we pray,

send from heav'n your inward ray,

brighten darkness into day:

Holy Spirit, come.


Come now, Father of the poor,

come now, source of all our store,

lighten hearts for evermore:

Holy Spirit, come.


Of all comforters, the best

is the soul's sweet, heav'nly guest.

Come, and let us be refreshed:

Holy Spirit, come.


In all labour, be our rest;

be our comfort in distress;

strengthen us in every test:

Holy Spirit, come.


Light immortal, fire divine,

fill our hearts and in us shine;

claim your people for all time:

Holy Spirit, come.


Nothing holy, nothing true,

nothing we can ever do,

can be good if not in you:

Holy Spirit, come.


Wash from us the sinful stain,

liven those whose lives are drained,

make the wounded whole again:

Holy Spirit, come.


Bend the stubborn to your mould;

melt the heart of ice and cold;

guide the lost back to the fold:

Holy Spirit, come.


On the faithful who confide

in you as their only guide

may your sev'n-fold gifts reside:

Holy Spirit, come.


Give salvation when we die;

give us life with Christ on high,

Give us faith while yet we cry:

Holy Spirit, come!



The following songs from the 'All Together' books are suitable for Pentecost.



Pentecost Prayer


Spirit of God


Spirit of Peace


Move when the Spirit say move


Shine, Jesus, shine




When your Spirit moves


Dreams and visions


God sends us his Spirit


Spirit of God


Into your death


Pour it all out, Jesus


Wa wa wa Emimimo


Holy Spirit, living water


Wind is moving



Many of the Taize songs may be sung in more than one language. It may be appropriate for a choir to sing one of the Taize chants (for instance, 'Veni Sancte Spiritus', pages 36-39 in volume 1) using various different languages for the verses.


Volume I

Veni Sancte Spiritus (note the versions given in French, German, Spanish and Italian)


Kyrie eleison IX

Veni Creator Spiritus

Veni Lumen Cordium, I and II

Alleluias IIV

Cantate Domino 4. Veni Creator Spiritus



Here are some songs from the Iona Community suitable for Pentecost.


Note that the Iona Community is willing to allow a church or worship assembly to reproduce the words only of a song from these publications on a service sheet or overhead transparency that is to be used once only on a non-commercial basis, provided that the title of the song and the name of the copyright holder is clearly shown.


John L Bell & Graham Maule, Wild Goose Songs vol. 2 Enemy of Apathy


page 106

Come Holy Spirit

page 108


page 110

God the Spirit comes to stay

page 112

Heaven on earth

page 114

Enemy of Apathy (feminine pronouns used for the Spirit)

page 136

Come, Holy Spirit


John L Bell & Graham Maule, Wild Goose Songs vol. 3 Love from Below


page 42

Come, Holy Ghost (for use in the evening)



The following hymnic 'Glory to God' is from the Hymnic Service for Pentecost from the Approved Worship Services disk (or print-out) The three verses are modernised verses of LH 441.



Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.


(Sung to the tune Lobt Gott den Herrn, ihr Heiden (LH 440, TIS 110))


With joyful heart your praises bring

to God the fount of blessing;

his everlasting goodness sing,

his holy name confessing.

Our God let all creation bless;

he is our aid in all distress:

O bless his name forever!


Praise God, who to the cross and grave

has sent his Son from heaven;

his death, that did the guilty save,

eternal life has given.

He set us free from sin and hell;

now we with God in peace can dwell:

O bless his name forever!


Praise God, who by his Spirit's light

to faith in him awakes us;

and with his gifts of grace and might

he strong and steadfast makes us.

His word sheds light upon our way;

his grace inclines us to obey:

O bless his name forever.


PSALM 104:24-34,35b

For musical settings of Psalm 104:24-34,35b, see Music Packages 2, 5 and 8. TIS 65, Praise the Lord, O my soul, is a version of Psalm 104:1,24,27-31,33.


The following metrical version of Psalm 104:24-34, 35b by David Sch¸tz may be sung to the tune of 'What wondrous love is this' (LHS 794, ATA 145). If reproducing this version, please put 'Words (c) David Sch¸tz' at the beginning or the end of the psalm.


How many are your works, O Lord God, and how wise!

Your creatures fill all parts of the earth.

Where ships sail to and fro, on seas so great and wide,

there countless creatures live, and the whales have their sport,

and you have made them all, great and small.


See how they look to you for their food in due time.

You open up your hand, they are filled.

But when you hide your face, they suffer in dismay.

You take away their breath, and they die and decay;

they all return again to the dust.


You send your spirit out to create life again,

and you renew the face of the earth;

rejoice, Lord, in your works, your glory evermore!

You look upon the earth, and it trembles and quakes;

the mountains pour out smoke at your touch.


So I'll sing to the Lord, for as long as I live;

I'll sing my praise to God all my life.

And may my words and thoughts be pleasing to the Lord,

for in the Lord alone will my soul find its joy:

O bless the Lord, my soul! Praise the Lord!



The following gospel response is from the Hymnic Service for Pentecost from Approved Worship Services. It is sung to the tune Song 13 [Canterbury] (LH 131).


Holy Spirit, light divine,

shine upon this heart of mine;

chase the shades of night away,

turn the darkness into day.


Let me see my Saviour's face,

let me all his beauties trace;

show those glorious truths to me

which alone can make us free.



The following offering song is sung to the tune Komm, o komm (LH 134).


Holy Spirit, strong and mighty,

constant, making all things new,

work in us to make us holy,

and the evil one subdue.

Give us weapons for the fight,

to defeat the powers of night.


Give us wisdom, insight, judgment,

guide our thoughts and all we do,

that we may be always seeking

only that which pleases you;

let your knowledge spread and grow,

and all error overthrow.



The following post-communion song is from the Hymnic Service for Pentecost from Approved Worship Services. It is sung to the tune O heiliger Geist (LH 128, TIS 401).


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God,

you comfort us in every need,

sent down to us from heaven's high throne,

from God the Father and the Son,

O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God.


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God,

make us to love your holy word.

Your flame of love to us impart,

that love for all may fill each heart,

O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God.


O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God,

by you our souls to heaven are led.

Make us to strive with valour here,

and reign with you in glory there,

O Spirit of life, O Spirit of God.





See the document 'General notes and resources', under 'Notes on the readings', in the 'General and seasonal' folder.


ACTS 2:1-21: This is the 'baptism with the Holy Spirit' predicted by John the Baptist concerning Jesus, and referred to by Jesus after his resurrection (Acts 1:5). It marks the culmination of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his continuing ministry by the Holy Spirit through his church into all the world. The miracle of tongues lay not only in the rational and powerful use by the disciples of languages never learnt, but also in the hearing of Jewish people from all around the Mediterranean world. Tongues of fire and the sound of rushing wind both figure in Old Testament imagery when the presence of God was involved. Peter's reversal from his former fearful denial to brave confession of Christ, occasioned by the Spirit, proclaimed the long-planned purpose accomplished now in this sign. This prophesying and proclamation in tongues was mentioned by the prophet Joel among the cataclysmic signs of the end, thus demonstrating that this era has now been entered. Most importantly in all of this, 'Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'.


OR GENESIS 11:1-9: Following the fall into sin, the Genesis record traces human development from one arrogance to another. Power through technological achievement at Shinar was an expression of defiance against the Lord's purpose that people spread out over the earth. The people were headed in a destructively selfish direction. The Lord's intervention by way of linguistic confusion would halt this evil, but also sectionalise and divide humanity. The New Testament era would see God's solution to human division through the unity of Christ. Pentecost Day demonstrated a reversal of the confusion of Babel.


ROMANS 8:14-17: This section emphasises the very centre of God's gracious entry into human lives. Sin is the barrier which has shut us off from God. That state becomes a harsh slavery. Sin is a hard taskmaster. Fear results from this slavery, whether now or in the hereafter. It is the Spirit who brings Christ's redeeming light and cleansing into the soul of a believer through the life-giving word of promise. This release into a loving and confident relationship with the Father is natural when one has been made a son or daughter and an official heir of God himself.


JOHN 14:8-17,25-27: Philip's request to Jesus to show him and the other disciples the Father was met by a lengthy explanation. They should have realised that seeing Jesus and seeing the Father were one and the same thing, insofar as he was the perfect image of the Father. He and the Father were one. That was surely demonstrated adequately by Jesus' whole ministry of teaching and miraculous signs. In his going to the Father was assurance that he would actuate the Father to send the Spirit of truth who would live in them. The Spirit would continue to lead, teach and remind them of Jesus' teachings. Pentecost Day brought fulfilment of this promise.






Pictures or symbols could be displayed on banners or the overhead screen during the readings. For instance, the reading from Genesis could be accompanied by a picture of the tower of Babel. The reading from Acts 2 could be accompanied by a picture like the illustration in the TEV Bible for verse 14 or a simpler picture of a few disciples' heads with tongues of fire.



The colour for Pentecost is red, including the eve of Pentecost (Saturday night before the festival) and for the whole week following Pentecost.



Just as few ceremonies have been developed for Pentecost, so also there are very few symbols for the Spirit. The following include some common, and some not so common, images:



The descending dove: from the stories of Christ's baptism, the dove is one of the oldest and the best known symbols for the Spirit. The dove is usually drawn in a conventionalised or stylised manner, rather than realistically; it is always white and occasionally shown with a three-rayed nimbus. Seven doves have been used to depict the 'sevenfold' Spirit of Isaiah 11:2-3a.


The flame of fire: from the story of Pentecost (and Sinai), fire is also a popular symbol. This may be depicted as a single flame, or as seven flames.


Seven burning lamps or torches (or a seven-branched candle stick): from Revelation 1 and 4:5.


The seven-gift scroll: In order to depict the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit, a scroll may be used with the names of the seven gifts on it. The Old Testament form is given in Isaiah 11:2,3a, where the Latin Vulgate interepreted 3a as another 'gift' of the Spirit. The gifts are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, piety, fear. The New Testament list is taken from Revelation 5:12 (though these are not commonly recognised as 'gifts of the Spirit' today, they were once more common than the OT list): blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour, power and might.


The nine fruits of the Spirit: Again, often written on a scroll, these are taken from Galatians 5:22,23a: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.



There are various possibilities for decoration:



Use red and white flowers in the sanctuary. Could use poinsettias (like flames) or strelitzia (bird of paradise). Could include white dove and/or red candles (see last point below) in the arrangement.


A flame design could be created using red/orange flowers.


Arrange twelve torches (candles on high stands) at the end of the pews along the aisle (as sometimes done for carols by candlelight at Christmas), but use either red candles or red chimney glasses.


Decorate the church with red, yellow, and orange streamers. Arrange the streamers so that they highlight the places where the Spirit works through the means of grace: the altar, the baptismal font, the pulpit/lectern.


Decorate the church with the flags of different nationalities, especially those represented by congregational members.


Candles in the church are usually white. This is said to be because they symbolise Christ. However, on this occasion the candles on the altar and in the sanctuary could be red, to symbolise the fire of the Spirit.






See a drama for the day in Mega Drama resources (Openbook Publishers), originally included in these worship resources when they were released on disks.



The readings can be read by more than one person to make the dramatic meaning of the text clearer. For instance, the Genesis reading could be read by three readers: narrator, one of the builders, the Lord; the reading from Acts 2:1-21 could be read by five readers: narrator, person from another nation, person asking about meaning, person sneering, Peter; and the gospel could be read by three readers: narrator (the pastor), Philip, Jesus.



Part of the reading from Acts 2 (eg verses 1-6) could be read first in English, and then in various languages, especially languages of people present. The rest of the passage is then read in English.



This is a dramatic action that could accompany the reading of the Genesis and Acts passage to show how God repairs the tragedy of Babel through his Spirit.


Genesis 11 is read as the first reading. Before the service, large colourfully painted boxes are prepared. On one side of the box, a red flame and/or white dove is painted as a symbol of the Spirit. During the reading, children or a drama group build a large tower made out of the boxes with the flames/dove facing away from the congregation so that they cannot be seen. During verses 8 and 9, they dismantle the tower, each taking a box and going to a separate place around the perimeter of the church. Psalm 104 is then sung by the congregation, and then the Acts 2 passage is read. During the reading of verses 5-13, the children/drama group come back together at the front with their boxes, and during verses 17 and18 they rebuild the tower, this time with the flames/doves of the Spirit facing the congregation.






Involve the children in the decoration of the church. They may prepare cut-out cardboard flames which are then hung as mobiles from the ceiling of the church to call to mind the presence of the Spirit among the congregation.



In a talk with the children or as part of the Sunday school activity, children could make or be given flames to wear. Small cut-out paper or cardboard flames may be attached to a band of cardboard which may be placed on their heads.



Involve children in the reading of the Acts passage, especially if the story is mimed or acted, in which case even small children can be involved as part of the crowd.



Pentecost is a baptism day, and even if no baptisms are held, there are ways in which baptism can be highlighted. The children may be invited to come forward to the font (which has water in it!). Show them how to dip their fingers in the water and trace the sign of the cross on themselves while saying 'In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.'



See under 'Drama' above for an idea that the children can be involved with.



The Come and See Jesus curriculum published by Openbook Publishers has a wealth of material and ideas that may be adapted for use in worship. Please note that a new edition of this material is now available for the Revised Common Lectionary.


The story for Pentecost in year C is: The tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1–9) (to be found in both the original edition and the RCL edition Series C for Pentecost).






Hold a Pentecost ethnic luncheon.


Encourage people to wear red colours to church.


Hold a Pentecost vigil on the Saturday night before Pentecost (see the document 'Pentecost eve (vigil)' in the 'Rites and services' folder).


Schedule baptisms and confirmations for this day, or on the evening before.