28. Enrolment of an Adult Baptismal Candidate

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28. Enrolment of an Adult Baptismal Candidate

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VERSION: 9 April 2002




Adult candidates for baptism may begin their period of baptismal preparation with a public enrolment on Ash Wednesday. The following rite may be used or adapted.






After the offering has been received, the candidate comes forward with sponsors and/or congregational representatives.

A sponsor or congregational representative says to the congregation:

N is about to begin a period of instruction as a candidate for baptism. He/she has therefore come before us today to seek our prayers and God's blessing as he/she prepares for baptism.



The minister says one of the following to the candidate.


N, the apostle Peter said to those who first heard the good news: 'Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.'



N, our Lord Jesus Christ said: 'I tell you the truth, no-one can see the kingdom of God without being born again; no-one can enter the kingdom of God without being born through water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit.'



The candidate kneels before the altar, and the sponsors and/or congregational representatives stand around him/her. The minister begins and ends the prayer; some of the sponsors  / congregational representatives  (or another assistant) may make the intervening or similar intercessions.


Let us pray for N as he/she receives instruction in the Christian faith and is prepared for baptism.


We thank you, everliving Father, for calling N to receive adoption as your child in holy baptism. Rescue him/her from the power of darkness and bring him/her into your heavenly kingdom.

Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


As he/she learns to know Jesus, light up his/her mind with your Holy Spirit so that he/she may be eager to understand you and himself/herself through you.

Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


As he/she receives instruction in the Christian faith, protect him/her from the accusation of the devil and help him/her to renounce all his works and ways.

Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


As he/she experiences the saving power of the gospel, open up the Scriptures for him/her and teach him/her to pray for those things that you have promised to give us.

Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


As he/she learns to be a disciple of Jesus, make him/her courageous in confessing his/her faith before others and teach him/her to do what pleases you.

Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


We thank you for our brother/sister N. As he/she prepares for baptism, teach him/her by your word and help him/her by your Holy Spirit to live in the light of your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord.




The minister may say  the following, while making the sign of the cross three times over him/her.

Until Christ claims us in baptism through his Holy Spirit, we are under the power of the devil. Therefore I say: Depart from N, you unclean spirit, and make way for the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen.



The minister may say the following, while touching the candidate's ears and mouth.

The Lord made the deaf hear and the dumb speak. Therefore in his name I say: Be opened, so that you may hear and speak the word of God.



The minister may say the following,while making the sign of the cross on the candidate.

N, receive the mark of the holy cross +, as a sign that Christ the crucified has redeemed you.



The candidate continues to kneel as the minister blesses him/her with the blessing from 2 Timothy 4:18:

(May) God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit rescue you from every evil attack and bring you safely to his heavenly kingdom.
