33. LCA Sunday

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33. LCA Sunday

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VERSION: 29 April 2002






A date for observing LCA Sunday is suggested for each year, but it may be observed on any Sunday convenient to the local congregation. Please note that the propers will be the propers for the day. The materials offered here may be used with the set propers for the day.






As in one body we have many members,

so we, who are many, are one body in Christ.

Where two or three are gathered in his name,

he is there among them.

Let us live a life worthy of our calling, with all humility and gentleness,

eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Let us pursue the things that make for peace,

and build up the common life.

Christ has opened a door in front of us,

which no-one can close.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.




The following 'Confession of sin' was used at the 'United Thanksgiving Service of the South Australian Districts, ELCA and UELCA on the occasion of the Proclamation of Altar and Pulpit Fellowship' on 28 November 1965. Judge for yourself how fitting these words may still be for our church today. You may want to modify the italicised words and replace them as suggested.


Almighty God, most merciful Father, we humbly acknowledge before you the many sins and shortcomings of our own lives. We have not remembered your great goodness; we have repaid your love with disobedience. We repent and are sorry for our pride, self-sufficiency, and forgetfulness of you.


Today we especially come before you in sincere sorrow over the disunity and discord within your church on earth, and in repentance of the division that has existed these many years between the Lutheran churches of this land.* Where by unholy desires and ambitions, unkind words and deeds, we have not obeyed the law of Christian love, pardon our offence.


O God, the Father, your compassion never fails and you show mercy to those who fear you:

Have mercy on us.

O Lord, Jesus Christ, you take away the sins of the world:

Have mercy on us.

O Holy Spirit, you call, enlighten, sanctify and keep your people:

Grant us your peace. Amen.


* exists among the congregations of the Lutheran Church of Australia.



The minister introduces the creed by saying:

Let us confess the faith we hold in common, in the words of the Apostles'/Nicene Creed.


After the creed, the minister may lead the congregation in a confessional affirmation:

I ask you, as members with me of the Lutheran Church of Australia:

Do you accept the holy Scriptures as the word of God?

We accept, without reservation,

the holy Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments,

as a whole and in all their parts,

as the divinely inspired, written, and inerrant word of God,

and as the only infallible source and norm

for all matters of faith, doctrine, and life.

Do you accept the confessions of the Lutheran church as a true exposition of the holy Scriptures?

We accept, without reservation,

the confessions of the evangelical Lutheran church

as contained in the Book of Concord.

Do you accept the teaching of the Lutheran confessions on the sacrament of holy baptism?

We accept that baptism is not water only,

but it is water used together with God's word

and by his command.

Do you accept the teaching of the Lutheran confessions on the sacrament of the altar?

We accept that the sacrament of the altar

is the true body and blood

of our Lord Jesus Christ

given with bread and wine,

instituted by Christ himself

for us to eat and drink.



If it is not generally used, consider using the prayer of the church, from the Supplement to the Lutheran Hymnal, page 13, or the simplified prayer of the church in the document 'General notes and resources', under 'Liturgy', 'Prayer of the church', in the 'General and seasonal' folder.


The following petitions may be used:

Gracious Father, we pray for the whole chruch thoughout the world. Fill it with all truth and peace. Where it is corrupt, purify it; where it is in error, direct it; where it is superstitious, cleanse it; where anything is amiss, reform it; where it is right, strengthen and confirm it; where it is in want, supply its need; where it is divided and torn apart, heal its wounds.


O God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as in the past you have broken down the barriers separating Lutherans from one another in this land, take away from us all prejudice and self-seeking, and whatever else may hinder us from union and harmony in your Spirit. Since there is one body, one Spirit and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, may we all be of one heart and one mind, united in the one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and love. So may we also continue to praise and glorify you with one voice.



Hymn LH 193 (modernised version available) may be used for the intercessions.



The following 'Litany for the LCA' may be used. Otherwise, it gives plenty of scope for chosing a number of these topics to craft into a general prayer fitting for use on this day (please modify the petitions if the LCA structure has been changed since this was drafted).


In thankfulness for what the Lord has done for the Lutheran Church of Australia, and for its work and mission, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For our President, ___, and for our Vice-President ___;

for the College of Presidents;

for the pastors of the church;

for layworkers

and for all Lutheran congregations throughout Australia,

let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For Luther Seminary, its council, faculty and students;

for the Board of Support to Pastoral Ministry;

for the Department of Lay Ministry;

and for the ministry of the baptised, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For all the schools of the church, their staff and students;

for the Board for Lutheran Schools;

for all Youth ministries; and for ministry to tertiary students,

let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.


For the General Church Council;

for the staff of the National Office;

and for all who represent their congregations as synod delegates, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For the finances of the church,

and for all congregational treasurers and stewardship committees, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.


For the theologians of the church,

for the Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations;

for the Commission on Worship;

and for the Commission on Social and Bioethical Questions, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For missions of the church;

for the Board for Mission;

and for all missionaries and local outreach programs, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For Aboriginal congregations and pastors;

for schools that educate Aboriginal students, for the students and staff;

for the boards and committees that work with Aboriginal people;

and for all work among the Aboriginal communities of the church, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For the Lutheran Laypeople's League;

for Openbook Publishers and the Board of Publications;

for Lutheran Media Ministry, and The Lutheran;

for the Board of Archives and Research;

and for all the auxiliaries of the church, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For all welfare ministries and Lutheran Community Care - Australia;

for Australian Lutheran World Service;

for Lutheran Bible Translators Australia, let us pray to the Lord:

Lord, have mercy.


For ecumenical relations with other churches;

for the National Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, and the International Lutheran Council;

and for unity of the church, let us pray to the Lord,

Lord, have mercy.


Help, save, comfort and defend us, gracious Lord.




The sharing of the peace may be introduced with the following response:

Just as in one body there are many members,

so we, who are many, are one body in Christ.

The peace of the Lord be with you always.


Let us offer one another a sign of peace.



There is one bread,

and we who are many are one body,

because we all eat of the same bread.

(Thanks be to God.)

Come, everything is ready.




Either of the following responses may be used after the prayer after communion.

We are the chosen race, the King's priests,

the holy nation, God's own people,

chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God,

who called us out of darkness into his own marvellous light.

At one time we were not God's people,

but now we are his people;

at one time we did not know God's mercy,

but now we have received his mercy.



The word of God will not fail to do what he plans for it;

it will do everything he sends it to do.

We are Christ's witnesses

to the ends of the earth.

He has chosen and appointed us to go and bear fruit -

fruit that will last.

He is with us always,

to the very end of the age.



Either of the following blessings may be used:

Be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit

through the bond of peace;

and the blessing of almighty God,

Father, Son +, and Holy Spirit,

be with you always.




Be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

The Lord look with favour upon you + and give you peace.





The following songs and hymns are especially appropriate for LCA Sunday:



Lutheran Hymnal and Supplement


Abide, O dearest Jesus* G5


Sun of rightesouness divine* G3


Built on a rock, the Church doth stand* G4


One is our God and Father* G6


The Church's one foundation G4


Bowed low in supplication


Jesus, with Thy Church abide* G9


Thy hand, O God, has guided G3


Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy Word*


Christ, Thou strong guardian* G9


Thou little flock, be not dismayed


Help us to conquer, Thou prince everliving* G3


Stand up, stand up for Jesus G6


Onward, Christian soldiers


For all the saints


Arouse, O Lord, that zeal inspiring G5


Spread, O spread, thou mighty Word* G5


O Spirit of the living God G5


Revive Thy work, O Lord* G5


Facing a task unfinished G4


Holy Spirit, ever dwelling G6


May we be one GS


One family we’re together GS


We are heirs of the Father GS


Lift high the cross


Brother, let me be your servant GS

* Modernised version available


'All Together' books


One family


May we be one


Bind us together


There's a time for loving


Brother, let me be your servant


Amigos de Cristo


God sends us his Spirit


Come in, come in and sit down


Because we bear your name


Christ, be our light


Saints of all time


One body


Together in Song: Australian Hymn Book II


We praise, we worship you, O God


Let all the world in every corner sing


God is the refuge of his saints


Lift high the cross


O Spirit of the living God


Holy Spirit, ever dwelling


God sends us his Spirit


Lord, keep us steadfast in your word


Spread, O spread, almighty word


Pour out your Spirit from on high


For all the saints


Your hand, O God, has guided


The church's one foundation


O stay with us, Lord Jesus


Stand up, stand up for Jesus


Brother, sister, let me serve you


Lord Jesus, we belong to you



Words by John G Strelan, 1996. When reprinting, please acknowledge and include the words, '(c) John G Strelan 1996. Used by permission'.

Music by Leo Rowlands (1891-1967) available in Music Package 3.


The cross of the servant Christ

brings news of battles won:

the Lamb who was slain

now rules over all

the Lord's Day has begun.


The word of the servant Christ -

strong word sent to set us free -

creates in us his servant mind,

and calls us to unity.


O friends of the cross, arise!

Hear now the Servant's word:

walk hand in hand along the way,

together serve the Lord.


The church of the servant Christ

enfolds the world in prayer,

speaks out for the poor

and all without voice -

the silence of despair.


The song of the servant Christ

invites all Australians*, 'Come,

I am the way to God who calls:

come home to me, safely home!'


O friends of the cross, arise!

Hear now the Servant's word:

walk hand in hand along the way,

together serve the Lord.


*or: 'invites all New Zealand'






Colours red, blue, white, and gold, these being the colours of the LCA logo. Flowers could be arranged in a European parallel style with four parallel lines slanting forward (depicting the church moving forward), using one colour for each parallel line.



Red and gold drape with card inscribed 'We, who are many, are one body in Christ (Romans 12:5)'. An arrangement of flowers as above could accompany this, together with the LCA logo, if available.