Drama - 31 Oct, Reformation B

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Drama - 31 Oct, Reformation B

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Bible reference: Romans 3:19-28





One male (a non-speaking role representing Jesus - the Giver), seven adults, one child (the younger the better)



A rubbish bin back of stage area near exit, a small table centre, five boxes of chocolates, book, pen and notebook


A man (referred to as ‘the Giver’) is on the stage area, casually leaning on table, holding onto a box of chocolates. Person One enters without noticing him and walks through until interrupted by the Giver, who is holding out the chocolates to him. He appears surprised by the gesture but extremely interested, and it doesn’t take much effort on the Giver’s part to coerce him into accepting them.



Hey! (Stops and takes chocolates, then furtively looks around to see if anyone else is around. Meanwhile the Giver has moved discreetly away. One continues to check out the surroundings, and finally decides to pop a chocolate into his/her mouth, when Two enters and interrupts)



Hi! What have you got there?



(Quickly hiding the box and stuffing the chocolate into mouth) Oh, nothing...



(Suspiciously) You sure?



Of course I’m sure. (Tries to swallow inconspicuously) Nothing at all!



I could have sworn I saw you with a box of choco...



(Angrily) Look, I told you, nothing.You must’ve been seeing things. Let’s go! (Two shrugs and they both exit)


(The Giver sighs and resumes his position by the table. Person Three enters. In similar fashion to the first scene, Three is offered a box of chocolates)



(Surprised) For me?...Really? (The Giver affirms this) I don’t believe it...Oh look, I’d better not...But they look rather nice...(Ums and ahs) Oh no, I couldn’t. No one ever gives me anything...I don’t deserve these at all. Sorry, but I just can’t accept them. I’m sure there must be plenty of people around who are worthy of them. I’m just not...Sorry...(Exits regretfully)


(The Giver resumes his position sadly and person Four enters, Once again the Giver offers the chocolates)



(Pleased) Cool! How much do I owe you? (The Giver indicates ‘nothing’) What? Nothin’s for free, get a grip! (The Giver disagrees) All right, I’ll take ’em, they’re my faves, but here’s five bucks anyway. (The Giver rejects it, smiles and walks away) Hey, come back! I haven’t paid you yet...(Shakes head, then a thought occurs to him/her)...Maybe they’re hot! (Exits slightly bemused)


(The Giver resumes his position shaking head. Person Five walks by. The Giver offers the chocolates)



No thanks! I swore off them years ago! (Keeps walking to exit)


(The Giver reacts sadly and resumes his position. Person Six enters without noticing him. Six is halfway off the stage area already when the Giver catches up with him/her)



Oh, yeah...(Seems midly surprised, but accepts box of chocolates, nods to the Giver and casually walks off with them. Someone calls form off stage and Six reacts brightly, checks watch, looks at chocolates, discounts them and throws box into bin before racing off)


(The Giver is about to resume his position when he is interrupted by an almost desperate person Four)



There you are! Look, man, I can’t accept these, especially if they’re stolen (Giver indicates ‘no, they’re not stolen’)...Then let me just pay for them and I’ll feel better. (Offers the five dollars) Come on, take the dough...Please? (The Giver smiles and indicates ‘it’s not necessary’, Four gets more money out) Ten dollars? Is that better? Fifteen? (Four is holding out the cash, but the Giver smiles and walks away. Four finally exits in bewilderment and wonder)


(The Giver resumes his position on stage and person Seven enters. Like the others before, the Giver offers Seven a box of chocolates)



Mmm, I dunno...(Looks sceptical, so Giver puts them on the table and leaves. Seven stands for a moment looking at them, sizing them up and down. Moves a little closer, then sighs and walks over to the side of the stage. Tries not to look at them, so gets out a book and tries to read. Can’t concentrate at all on the book, so goes back over to box. Gingerly opens it, takes out the selection guide and starts to inspect it. After a while Seven puts lid back on, leaves box and crosses once more to side of stage area. Stands there fidgeting, then gets out a pen and notepad as if to make a list of pros and cons. Keeps looking at the chocolates, then eventually can’t stand it any more and strides over to box purposefully as if about to take it, then thinks better of it and pulls him/herself away again)


(At that moment a small child enters and sees the chocolates)



Wow! (Innocently rips box open and enthusiastically takes one out and eats it, showing signs of pure enjoyment and smiling/nodding at the Giver who has reappeared)



(Clearly upset) Hey! Wait a minute! He gave them to me!


(Child looks up and grins at Seven, then points to the Giver who is holding out another identical box of chocolates. Seven looks slightly embarrassed, then thankfully goes to the Giver and takes the box. As Seven turns around to face audience and lifts the lid of the box to take out a chocolate, we see the word ‘GRACE’ written on it. All exit)




© 1998 Tick Brereton


Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.