Drama - Year A - Epiphany 8 (Proper 03)

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Drama - Year A - Epiphany 8 (Proper 03)

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Bible reference:  Matthew 6:33




A play for two people about finding where one fits in the scheme of things, and making the point that it is only when we get our life right with Jesus, that the rest of our life fits into place.


Large jigsaw puzzle pieces with the words SPORTS, WORK, GO TO CHURCH, FAMILY, CHURCH COMMITTEES, OWNING AND WEARING ‘IN’GEAR, SERVICE CLUB, RIGHT SOCIAL CIRCLE, signs are hung around the church.  As they are discarded they are placed on the floor, or stuck on wall or pinup board; they are placed so that an open cross is formed in the middle.  (See attached diagram). NB: Try to ensure that the congregation can see the cross shape.



(Entering, looking lost, confused and a little angry) What right does he have to tell me to get my life together?  I would if I could.  Doesn’t anyone realise that things are different today?  Everything moves so fast.  I reckon the bloke who said ‘Just when I’ve worked out the answer some smart alec goes and changes the question’—  I reckon he had the right idea.  If only I could work out where I fit in the great scheme of things —  what I’m expected to do and be, and who is doing the expecting. (Sits down by member in pew, sighs and asks) Perhaps you can help me.  Where do you think I might fit in? (Before person can answer, gets up and wanders off) Nah!  You look just as confused as I do.



(Jumping up and coming forward) Hey!  I got an idea.  You need to be involved in something where you are needed. (Goes and gets puzzle piece, ‘Sports’. Gives it to Brian) Here you are.  Get involved in some sport.  That will make you know where you fit.



(Waving Jane away) Tried that!  I’m a member, I do play, but that’s so changeable.  Kick a goal today, you’re in and a hero.  Miss a goal tomorrow, and you’re out — you don’t belong any more.



(Places ‘Sports’ sign on floor — looks around, runs off to ‘Family’ and brings it back) Here.  You need to get really involved with your family.  That’s where you belong and will fit.



(Takes piece and gently fondles it, but then gives it back to Jane) You’re partly right, but it’s a bit hard when I work here and they live miles away in another town.  Anyway, even when I was home I didn’t always feel as if I fitted.  There were arguments and put-downs.



(Places piece on floor, stands looking and contemplating other pieces hanging.  Finally makes choice and goes and gets ‘Go to church’.  Brings it back, very pleased with herself) Here we are, just what the doctor — or God — ordered.  He said (Looks up to heaven) we should go to church and fit in with the family of God. (Thrusts piece into Brian’s hands)



(Giving piece back) Yeah.  Great for one and half hours a week.  And I’ve known lots of people who tried to fit but got shoved out by those who didn’t understand or want to know them.



(Rushes off and brings back ‘Church committees’) Here!  This should solve your problem of only one and a half hours a week.  You could fit in here for more hours than there are in a week.  Plenty to do here!  They’re always looking to fit people into committees.



(Refusing to take piece) Well, I was asked to go on a committee...



(Getting excited) And..?



(Waving Jane away) No.  I don’t think I’m a committee type of person.  You know, you have to be a certain type to go on committees.  I’m more of a doer, not a sitter and talker.



(Places piece down) Oh.  Well, if that’s the case, hang about, I think I can solve your problems. (Goes and gets ‘Service club’) Here we are.  Now you can be a ‘doer’, fit in with other ‘doers’ and be happy.



(Looks at piece, thinks, then walks away) Well, to be honest, I don’t think I’d have enough time to be that much of a ‘doer’.



(Getting a little frustrated) I think maybe you’re more of a pain than a ‘doer’.



(Plaintively) Oh, come on.  Don’t be nasty to me.  I just want to know where I fit.  Once I find that out, I’m sure I’ll be happy.



(Going to get ‘Work’) Yes, won’t we all? (Brings back piece) Here.  Maybe this is where you really fit!



(Takes piece — looks at it for some time, nodding to self) Yes, I must admit, there are times when I really do feel that I fit at work.



(Happy that the problem is now solved) Good.  Well, I’m glad we’ve got that sorted out...



(Continuing) But then there are days when I don’t think the boss really appreciates me and I find myself wondering if I should be there at all.  In fact, the more I think about it, the more I don't think I fit at work too well either.



(Now starting to get a bit uptight, goes and gets ‘Owning and wearing “In” gear’ and ‘Right social circle’ ) Here.  Maybe these will help you to ‘fit in’.



(Looks at pieces and shakes head) I once belonged to a country club for a while, but I didn’t fit there.  They really were a lot of snobs.  Made me feel most uncomfortable.  And as for things — well — I did have a pair of Reeboks, and I did feel as if I fitted into the ‘in’ crowd quite well, but then everyone said Nike Airs were in.  I couldn’t afford new shoes so I didn’t seem to fit there any more either.



(Places pieces on floor, wall, or pinup board —  stands and looks at shape she has made —  slowly walks around then, as if making a great discovery) Hey.  Maybe you do fit into all those pieces a bit, but you just need something, or more likely SOMEONE special to help you bring it all together.  Have a look at that!



Hey.  Fancy that.  You could be right.  At least it’s worth a try.  I know what that piece stands for.  Maybe if I get that piece fitted into place in life, I’ll know where I fit.  Thanks, mate. (Both exit)



















































© Kevin Schrapel 1993


Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group

or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.