Drama - Year A - Pentecost 07 (Proper 10)

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Drama - Year A - Pentecost 07 (Proper 10)

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Proper 10, 1999         Bible reference:  Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23




CHARACTERS: Four clowns, but could be done without clowns.



Big story book, large straw hat, child’s wading pool, large handkerchief, branch with ‘fruit’tied/stuck to it.

      Wheelbarrow containing bucket of dirt, watering can of water, bright light/torch, large gardening fork, bag of fertiliser, and small scarecrow.

      Box containing: Wellington boots, umbrella, sunglasses, box or bottle of pain- killers, dust-buster/small portable vacuum cleaner, bread.


(All props that are brought on by the clowns should be hidden close to the performance area)



(Clown 1 enters and with big story book, opens it and clears throat) There was once a farmer (Clown 2 enters and puts on big straw hat) who had two seeds. (Clown 2 goes and drags on  two more clowns to be ‘seeds’) He was very proud of these seeds and wanted them to grow. (Clown 2 gets child’s wading pool and plants two ‘seeds’ and pats them on the head) So he decided to give them everything they needed to grow up to be strong and healthy and bear good fruit. (Clown 2 wheels in wheelbarrow of supplies,takes out bucket of dirt) He went to the first seed (Clown 2 goes to seed 1) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I have some good soil to give you so your roots can grow strong and healthy.’ (Excitedly shows seed bucket of dirt) But the first seed said...



Oh, I don’t want to get my roots dirty! I prefer nice clean rock! (Runs off and brings back a box, gets out a pair of Wellington boots and puts them on, clown 2 looks really disappointed)



So the farmer went to the second seed (Clown 2 takes bucket to seed 2) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I have some good soil to give you so your roots can grow strong and healthy.’ (Shows seed bucket of dirt) And the second seed said...



If you think this is going to help me grow strong and healthy, then I would like to have some of it. (Clown 2 happily pours bucket of dirt over seed) Ooh, that feels good.      



Next, the farmer went to the seed (Clown 2 goes to seed 1) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you some water so you can grow strong and healthy.’ (Clown 2 gets watering can  of water (only a small amount is necessary!) out of wheelbarrow and excitedly shows it to seed 1) And the seed said...



I can think of nothing worse than being covered in cold water, I could catch pneumonia! (Gets out umbrella and puts it up, clown 2 looks really disappointed)



So the farmer went to the second seed (Clown 2 takes water to seed 2) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you some water so you can grow strong and healthy.’ (Shows seed watering can of water) And the seed said...



If you think this is going to help me grow strong and healthy, then I would like to have some of it. (Clown 2 happily pours water all over seed) Ooh, that feels good.              


Then the farmer went to the first seed (Clown 2 goes to seed 1) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you lots of sunlight so you can grow up to be strong and healthy.’ (Clown 2 gets bright light/torch out of wheelbarrow and tries to point it at the seed) But the first seed said...



I don’t want to spoil my delicate complexion! (Takes out a pair of sunglasses, puts them on and turns away, clown 2 looks really disappointed)



So the farmer went to the second seed (Clown 2 takes light to seed 2) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you lots of sunlight so you can grow up to be strong and healthy.’ (Shows seed light) And the second seed said...



If you think this is going to help me grow strong and healthy, then I would like to have some of it. (Clown 2 happily sets up light, seed basks in it) Ooh, that feels good.



Next the farmer went to the first seed (Clown 2 goes to seed 1) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to dig out all the thorny weeds so you can grow up to be strong and healthy.’ (Clown 2 gets large gardening fork out of wheelbarrow and shows it to seed 1) But the seed said...



Ouch! Go away! That looks like it’s going to hurt! You know I can’t stand pain. (Takes out a box or bottle of pain-killers and mimes taking  some, clown 2 looks really disappointed)



So the farmer went to the second seed (Clown 2 takes fork to seed 2) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to dig out all the thorny weeds so you can grow up to be strong and healthy.’ (Shows seed fork) And the second seed said...



If you think this is going to help me grow strong and healthy, then I would like to have some of it. (Winces a bit as clown 2 happily digs around feet, but then looks relieved) Ooh, that feels good.



Then the farmer went to the first seed (Clown 2 goes to seed 1) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you some fertiliser so you can grow strong and healthy.’ (Clown 2 gets bag of fertiliser from wheelbarrow and takes out a handful and excitedly shows it to seed 1) He got out a handful of fertiliser and tried to give the seed some, but the seed said...



I don’t want any nasty chemicals that might be carcinogenic and cause long-term health problems! (Gets out dust-buster/small portable vacuum cleaner and vacuums up fertiliser, clown 2 looks really disappointed)



So the farmer went to the second seed (Clown 2 takes fertiliser to seed 2) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you some fertiliser so you can grow strong and healthy.’(Clown 2 takes out a handful and shows it to seed 2) He got out a handful of fertiliser and tried to give the seed some, and the seed said...



If you think this is going to help me grow strong and healthy, then I would like to have some of it. (Clown 2 happily pours fertiliser all over seed) Ooh, that feels good.



Then the farmer went to the first seed (Clown 2 goes to seed 1) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you this scarecrow to chase away the birds so you can grow strong and healthy’. (Clown 2 gets scarecrow from wheelbarrow and excitedly shows it to seed 1) He tried to give the seed the scarecrow, but the seed said...



Hey! What are you doing? Don’t scare them away! Those birds are my friends! (Takes out some bread, crumbles it up and sprinkles it around, clown 2 looks really disappointed)



So the farmer went to the second seed (Clown 2 takes scarecrow to seed 2) and said, ‘Hello, my precious seed, I want to give you this scarecrow to chase away the birds so you can grow strong and healthy.’(Clown 2 shows scarecrow  to seed 2) He tried to give it to the seed, and the seed said...



If you think this is going to help me grow strong and healthy, then I would like to have it. (Clown 2 happily gives scarecrow to seed who waves it around as if chasing birds) Ooh, that feels good.



And the first seed died.



Aaaaaargh! (Falls over dead)



And the farmer was sad. (Clown 2 takes off hat and looks really sad, wipes away a tear with a very large handkerchief, blows nose) But the second seed grew strong and healthy and bore lots of fruit. (Clown 1 runs off and comes back with a large branch with lots of ‘fruit’ tied/stuck to it, hands it to seed 2 and runs back to story book) And the farmer was very happy! (Clown 2 pats seed 2 on head and dances around and looks very happy) The end. (Clowns 1 and 2 and seed 2 bow, then exit carrying/dragging off seed 1)




© Malcolm Haynes 1998


Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.