Drama - Year B - Epiphany 6

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Drama - Year B - Epiphany 6

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Bible reference: Isaiah 53:4-6




CHARACTERS: Narrator and six people.


PROPS: Wooden cross.


(Narrator enters and talks to audience)



Well, here we are again. Easter. That time of the year we come to church three times in four days, to reflect on what Jesus did for us by suffering and dying on the cross. What a guy! What a God! And it's all by grace! Amazing! You know, it's always puzzled me why they call today Good Friday. There's nothing good about hanging on a cross... (Has bright idea) Maybe it's because it's the start of a four-day holiday! (Looks up) Thanks, Lord!

      (Thoughtfully) Do you ever wonder how those Roman soldiers must have felt? You know, the ones that actually drove the nails into Jesus' hands and feet? I shudder to think! Imagine how they  must have felt afterwards when they realised what they'd done...

      I also reckon the people in the crowd who shouted to free Barabbas instead of Jesus must have felt like heels when they found out who he really was! I mean, we're lucky, we live today and know the whole story. We would never have been responsible for his death, hey?

      And look at poor old Peter, actually publicly denying Jesus three times! He must have felt rotten. Now I'm sure if he'd known...



(Gets up from audience and interrupts) I've never denied Jesus outright, but if remaining silent when I could have witnessed drove a nail into Jesus, then I'm guilty! (Walks to front and kneels in front of the cross)



Don't know if you have to go that far! (Trying to remember) What was I saying? Oh yeah, I mean Peter didn't really know what was going on, but how about Judas? If ever there was a man with innocent blood and murder on his hands it was him. Now he...



(Gets up from audience and interrupts) I've never murdered anyone, but I’ve often neglected those in need and turned a blind eye to the plight of others...



(Gets up from audience) I've really hurt my friend...



If that constitutes another nail, then I'm guilty!



So am I! (They both walk to the cross and take up their positions)



(Can't believe this) Look, you don't have to get carried away! I'm sure Jesus would understand. After all, he was human too, know what I mean? It's not as if any of us here have ever (Thinks), say, worshipped another God like Buddha or Baal. Now that would be a real slap in the face!



(Gets up from audience and interrupts) I've never bowed down to a little golden statue, but sometimes my career seems more important than God in my life.



(Gets up from audience) I reckon I've often placed sport before my faith. Worshipping an idol? I'm guilty!



Then that makes two of us. (Both walk to the cross and take up positions)



Alright, alright! If that's the way you want it! But I wouldn't worry too much, Jesus was pretty cool. I mean, he hung out with Mary Magdalene, and look at her! She was a pros... (Considers audience) um, well, immoral. Let's face it, we're all Christians here. None of us would ever...



(Gets up from audience and interrupts) If even thinking about compromising my values to have a good time or maintain friendships has hammered another nail into Jesus, then I'm guilty. (Walks to cross and takes up position)



(Looking at assembled people all kneeling/standing heads bowed before the wooden cross) Are you saying that nearly 2000 years later we literally nailed him to the cross?


PERSON 1,2,3:(Without looking around) He was wounded for our transgressions...


PERSON 4,5,6:(Without looking around) The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all...



(Taking two large nails out of pocket and looking at them, then the cross) Forgive my ignorance, Lord, I'm as guilty as sin. (Joins the others and kneels at the cross while a suitable song is played/sung)



© Tick Brereton 1997


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