Drama - Year C - Christmas 2

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Drama - Year C - Christmas 2

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Bible reference: John 1:10-14




CHARACTERS: Willy, dressed as gold prospector, reader, boy


PROPS:        Pick, shovel, back-pack or large bundle of belongings, a large number of 'gold nuggets' (stones judiciously painted with gold paint), Bible, long grey/white false beard


(The stage area is littered with 'gold nuggets' Reader enters. Willy enters dressed as a gold prospector, carrying pick and shovel, back-pack or large bundle of belongings)



(Excited and elated) Mornin'/Ev'nin' folks. My name's Willy. I got meself all e-quipped. I got me daddy's pick (Shows pick), me granddaddy's shovel (Shows shovel), and me momma's hot chicken broth. (Pats pack/bundle) Cooee! By golly, I'm all excited! Ya see, folks . . . (Moves closer to audience, looks around to see if anyone else is listening, loud stage whisper as if sharing a secret) I've heard there's gold in them there hills! (Points)

      (Imagining) Yes siree. . . gold! Yella as a field of ripe corn, and precious as me momma's soup. Cooee, I love that soup!

      Now I've got myself all kitted up to find me that prize. (Indicates pack/bundle) An' it's a precious 'un too. I can tell ya that! Lan' sakes alive! I got all a gold prospector would ever want, an' me momma's apple pie . . . (Aside to audience) Almost as good as her soup, cooee! I'm gonna seek out that gold fer me own. Yippee! There's gold in them there hills! (Exits excitedly)



(Reading from Bible) He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. He came to his own home and his own people received him not.


(Willy re-enters looking depressed. He has lost all his belongings. He has aged. (This can be quickly achieved by adding a very long grey/white false beard and standing/walking with a stoop) While he is talking he even kicks the gold nuggets he is standing among)



(Very depressed) Mornin'/Ev'nin' folks. This here's Willy… remember me? I spoke to ya all . . . (Trying to remember) let's see . . . long time now it must be. Well, me daddy's pick got broke, an' me granddaddy's hammer went sailin' down an empty hole. Me momma's chicken soup? That's gone long ago. So's momma, fer that matter.

      (Frustrated) But the bandicootin' truth is that darn gold ain't gone! I knows it! Sometimes I see fellas walkin' around sayin', (Imitates other voices) 'Yippee, ole granddaddy Willy, we found some gold!' or 'Come an get it, it's free for the pickin'.'

      (Worked up) Free for the pickin'! Hah! I just telled ya all. I spent all me life lookin' fer that there gold, but I lost all me e-quip-ment, I nearly done in me own neck (Points to neck) a couple a times! I looked harder n' anyone, I tell ya, (Shakes finger at audience) I worked harder! I'm a good man! I say to meself, (Points to self) 'You a good man, Willy!' (Depressed again) But then I says, 'But ya ain't got no gold!' (Sighs) I looked high an' I looked low, I looked everywhere! But I ain't found no gold in them there hills.



(Enters excitedly with gold nugget) Granddad, Granddad! Lookee what I found . . . Gold!



(Grabs nugget and throws it down with the others) Tarnashin son! That ain't no gold! That's just a bit a ole rock! Hah! Fancy gold bein' that easy ta find! (Exits with boy)



But to all who believed in his name, he gave the power to become children of God . . . And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. (Closes Bible, looks at audience) Let us behold his glory. (Exits)




© Karen Dymke 1993



Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.