Drama - Year C - Passion (Palm) Sunday

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Drama - Year C - Passion (Palm) Sunday

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Bible reference: Philippians 2:5-11




CHARACTERS: Mark, Mary and Dan, who is considerably younger. They are in biblical costume


PROPS: Table covered in papers, chair, bin full of papers, screwed-up pieces of paper on floor, pens. Tray with bread, cheese, piece of fruit, cup of wine


(Mark is seated at a messy desk/table trying to write his gospel, there are pieces of screwed-up paper strewn all over the floor and a bin full of paper)



(Screwing up another piece of paper, very frustrated) Arrrgh! I just can't do it! I'll never be able to do it!


(Mary and Dan enter. She is carrying a tray with food on it)



Do what?



Write this stupid gospel. (Stands up and paces) How can I possibly write all that Jesus did and said in one little book. How can I even begin to describe the effect he had on our lives, on the whole world! There's so much I could include. What do I put in? What do I leave out? What if I forget something important? (Sits down, putting head in hands) It's hopeless! I can't do it!



Well, what have you got so far? Let's see, (Picks up piece of paper and reads) 'The Gospel Of Mark'. (Turns paper over) That's it?



(Snatching paper back, testily) Yes, that's it!



It's not even very original!



(Pretending hurt) I thought it sounded quite catchy.



Look, we brought some food and drink. You've been stuck in this room for ages.



(Standing up, frustrated, walks away from table) And it looks like I'll be stuck here for ages more. Whose stupid idea was this book anyway? (Mary and Dan both point upwards, Mark looks up guilty) Oh yeah, right, sorry. (Frustrated, talks to God) But why did you pick me? I'm no writer!



(Helpfully) Maybe we could help you?



(Upset) You know even less about writing than I do!



My uncle is a scribe!



(Interrupting) I think it's a good idea. We could help you remember.



Look, you two, I'll be fine once I just get started.



If it was me, I'd just start at the beginning.



(Glaring at Dan) All right (Goes to table and starts to write) 'In the beginning . . .'



I didn't mean that far back!



Why not just start from the beginning of his ministry, when you knew him?



(Thoughtfully) Yes, that'll work.



But it needs an opening statement with some pizzazz to get your reader's attention. (Others both look at him in surprise) Well, that's what my uncle says.



(Thinks) OK, how about this then, (Writes, others look over his shoulders) The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.



(Enthusiastically) I like it.



Bold, arresting, and to the point. (Others look at him again) So . . . what's next?



Well . . . I guess Jesus' ministry really began when he was baptised by John the Baptist. So I should put in a bit about that and some stuff about John. (Jots down some notes) Then he called his first disciples. (Stops jotting, remembering) You know, it was incredible, he just asked them to follow him and they did. Just like that. They left everything to follow him.



(Smiles) Not only his disciples, other people too, like you and me.



What made him so special? What made people follow him like that?



(Trying to describe it) There was just something about him. He was different. There was more to him than other people. He had time for everyone, even children. (Shrugs) I can't describe it. All I know is I would've followed him anywhere.



For me it was his eyes.



(Rolling eyes) Now that's a typical female comment, that is. Don't put that in your book!



(Glaring at Dan) I'm serious! When you looked into his eyes there was such love and compassion and understanding. You felt as though you were the only one that mattered in the world, that he was there just for you. I followed him then, and I'll follow him as long as I live. (All freeze during optional song)



A song about following Jesus could be sung eg 'The Summons' (All Together OK)



What about all the people Jesus healed? You've got to put some of those stories in.



(Making notes as he speaks) Well, he drove out evil spirits, and healed diseases, he healed the blind and deaf, he even healed Peter's mother-in-law! There were always people being brought to Jesus to be healed.



(Interrupting) Remember the time that paralysed man was lowered down to him through the roof? (To Dan) Of course, first his friends had to make a hole (Indicates roof) in the roof to do it!



You're kidding!



No I'm not. I'll never forget the looks on people's faces.



(Laughing) Especially the owner of the house, standing there all covered in clay dust. But that was nothing compared to their reaction when he forgave the man's sins!



And just to prove he could do it, he healed the man as well.



That's a great story! You've got to put that one in.



(More seriously) You know, one healing I really remember was when a man with leprosy came to him . . .



Now that's a seriously bad disease



(Gets up, grabs Dan by shoulders and pushes him down onto his knees in front of him) There was this leper on his knees in front of Jesus, begging to be healed, and Jesus looking at him with such compassion,



(Aside to Dan) See, I told you his eyes were important!



(Ignoring her) . . . and the incredible thing is that Jesus reached out and touched him. (Reaches out and touches Dan's shoulder) He actually touched a leper.



(Looking with amazement at Mark's hand on his shoulder) But he could have caught the disease, nobody touches a leper!



(Taking his hand away and looking at it) Jesus did.



(Walking towards front of stage) Then there were the things Jesus said and the stories that he told. I could listen to him for hours.



(Joining Mary) He could take ordinary things like seeds, or soil, or birds, or rocks, or thorns . . .



Or yeast.



. . . and make them mean something special. He used stories to teach us about God and his kingdom, and how we should live. He was a great teacher.



(Comes between them and puts his hands on their shoulders) OK, so you've got to include some stories and things (Dismissing them), but what about the more exciting stuff, like his miracles.



(Remembering) Well,there was the time he calmed a raging storm with just a few words. The disciples were all panicking, but he just told the wind and waves to be still and they were.



That's amazing!



Well, he was the Son of God!



And the time he fed five thousand people with just five loaves and two fish. We even had twelve basketfuls left over!



He raised a dead girl.



He even walked on water.



(Excited) Wow! It sounds like Jesus could do anything.



That's what we thought. He tried to warn us, but we thought he was invincible, and the crowds thought so too. When we went to Jerusalem that last time he rode in on a donkey, and the crowds lined the streets shouting 'Hosanna!' and (Waves arms) waving palms. They just went wild. It was so exciting! (They all freeze for optional song)



A 'Hosanna' song could be sung, eg 'Hosanna' (All Together Everybody)



(Excitedly) I wish I could have been there!



(More soberly) That day the crowds loved him, but the chief priests and religious leaders weren't so impressed with Jesus, they started looking for ways to kill him.



Why did they want to kill him? He did all those great things.



They were afraid of him. He was so popular with the crowds. People were listening to him, not them.



(Bitterly) They hated him. You see, Jesus wasn't afraid to speak out against them. The next day he virtually cleared the temple. He overturned the tables (Mimes turning over tables) of the money changers and drove out those who were buying and selling. Then he told them that they'd turned the temple into a den of robbers. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.



All that week they kept looking for ways to trap him into saying that wrong thing, but Jesus seemed to have all the answers.



They wanted to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowds.



So Jesus kept right on teaching the people.



(Puzzled) Wasn't he worried about what they might do?



No, he knew what they were going to do. He knew he was going to die. He tried to tell us, but we didn't listen. When Mary anointed him he said that she was preparing him for his burial.



Wait a minute, (To Mary, surprised) you anointed him? (Mary is embarrassed)



With pure nard.



(Can't believe it) You used nard!



(Enjoying Mary's discomfort) Poured a whole jar on his head. (Demonstrates it)



But that perfume's so incredibly expensive! A jar would've been worth a year's wages!



(Embarrassed) I wanted to do something special for him. I wanted to show him how much he meant to me.



Couldn't you have said it with flowers or something?



(Simply) The money wasn't important. Jesus was, is, the most important thing in the world to me. He gave meaning and purpose to my life. He's my Lord.



(Putting his hand on Mary's shoulder) Jesus said she'd done a beautiful thing.



(Moving away) Judas didn't think so. After that, he went to the chief priests and offered to betray Jesus.



(Bitterly) For thirty pieces of silver.



But how could he? He was one of the disciples, he'd been with Jesus for three years. He saw all the great stuff he did. Why did he do it?



(Bitterly) We don't know why he did it, even after all this time. All we know is that he gave the chief priests the opportunity they needed. I bet they couldn't believe their luck, one of Jesus' closest circle of friends coming to them.



And Jesus knew. He knew Judas was going to betray him. Jesus and his disciples had a last Passover meal together in the upper room of this house in Jerusalem. (Indicates Mary) We helped to get it ready. Right in the middle of the meal he told them that one of them would  betray him. He even showed them who. (Picks up the bread from the tray on the table) 'The one who dips his bread into the bowl with me.'



What did the other disciples say?



I don't think they really understood what was going on, or what Judas was going to do. None of us did, except Jesus. Later he even told the disciples that they would desert him and that Peter would deny him, but they didn't believe him.



Then Jesus took some bread (Breaks the bread into three), broke it up and gave it to his disciples. (Hands bread to other two) He told them it was his body. Then he took some wine (Picks up cup) and gave it to them (Gives it to Dan) and told them it was his blood which would be poured out for many. (All freeze looking at cup during optional song)



A communion song could be sung, eg 'Always Remember Me' (All Together OK)



(Sadly) After the meal they went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus wanted to pray. I can only imagine what he must have gone through as he prayed, knowing what was going to happen to him. (Shaking head) The disciples weren't much help or comfort, they fell asleep!



Why didn't he ask God to let him off the hook or something? Didn't he want to get out of it?



He did, but he wanted to do God's will more.



He'd just finished praying when Judas appeared leading  a crowd of soldiers and guards armed with swords and clubs. They'd come to arrest Jesus. Judas walked up to Jesus and kissed him. (Can't believe it) He betrayed him with a kiss!



After they arrested him the disciples all deserted him and fled, just like Jesus said they would.



(Upset) Including me! (Mary puts arm around his shoulder) I followed  Jesus, but when they grabbed me too, I was so desperate to get away that I squirmed out (Squirms away from Mary and goes to table) of my robe and ran away naked. (Sits, in disgust) Some follower of Jesus I am!



(Trying to be helpful) Well, you don't have to put that in your book. You could leave it out. After all, you are the writer.



(Angry) No, what goes in has to be the truth! And the truth is that Judas might have betrayed him, but we all failed him! (Puts head in hands)



(Continuing story) They took Jesus to the high priest. All the chief priests and religious leaders were there. They tried to find some evidence against him. They even brought in false witnesses. Finally they condemned him to death for blasphemy and beat him up because he said he was the Son of God.



But he is the Son of God!



I know. He spoke the truth, but they didn't want to hear it. They only wanted to get rid of him.



(Numbly) Then they took him to Pilate. They accused him of many things, but Jesus didn't say a word. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent and that they'd condemned him out of envy and spite, so when the crowd came and asked for a prisoner to be released, as was the custom at Passover, he gave them a choice . . .



(Interrupting) Jesus or Barabbas, a murderer or the Son of God! And you know who they chose?



(Sadly) Barabbas.



I couldn't believe it. This was the same crowd that shouted hosannas to Jesus only days before.



Only now they were screaming for his blood.



(Loudly) Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him!



It was horrible! (Shudders) I can still hear them shouting.



(Even louder) Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him!



So Pilate had Jesus flogged and handed him over to be crucified.



Even though he knew Jesus had done nothing wrong?



He wanted to satisfy the crowd.



The soldiers put a purple robe on him and a crown of thorns on his head and they laughed at him and mocked him, then they led him out to be crucified.



They took him out to Golgotha and there they crucified him.



(Upset, can't understand) But why? Why did he do it? Why did he have to die?



Because he loved us.



He did it for us. (Stands) On that cross he took the punishment we deserve for all the things we do wrong. He suffered and died so that we (Indicates Dan and himself), you and me, (Indicates audience) and everyone else could be forgiven.



(Upset) He loved us so much that he died for us. But we should've been on that cross, not him! (Mary starts to cry, head in hands, Mark comforts her, all freeze during optional song)



A song about the crucifixion could be sung



(Numbly walking to front of stage) When he was dead, they took him down and put him in a tomb. They rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the tomb, and it was like a huge stone had been rolled over my heart. I couldn't believe he was gone.



(Joining her) None of us could. It felt like our lives were over. I couldn't even imagine life without him.



(In sympathy) It must've been terrible.



It was. We thought it was all over, that all our hopes and dreams and everything had died with him.



(After a pause, smiles to himself) But boy, were we wrong!



(Smiling too) Jesus rose again and surprised us all



(Excited) On the third day, the women were going to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body and they found the stone was rolled away!



(Also excited) An angel told them that that Jesus was alive!



Jesus rose again. He proved that death isn't the end.



(Can't quite believe it) It seems pretty final to me.



Not with Jesus. With Jesus, death is only the beginning of a whole new life, an eternal life!



(Putting her arm around Dan) And that's the life he offers to you and me! (All freeze during optional song, Dan looking at other two in disbelief)



An Easter or resurrection song could be sung



(Slapping Mark on back) Mark, I bet this book of yours is going to be a best-seller! It's such great story. It's got everything!



(Seriously) But it's not just a great story, it really happened!



I know you believe it.



(Concerned) Do you doubt it?



Look, it's easy for you two. You knew him. You were part of it all. You saw what happened! I've only ever heard stories about him. How can I be sure? How can I really know?



I know that's it true, not just because I was there years ago, but because Jesus is alive in me today.



Jesus lives in us, and in everyone who believes in him, (Picks up some of the pages he's been writing on) not just in the pages of a book. You may not have met him face to face like we did, but you can meet him in your heart and get to know him personally. (All exit)



A celebration song could be sung here, eg 'Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate'.



© Verena Johnson 2000


Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.