Drama - Year C - Pentecost 22 (Proper 26)

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Drama - Year C - Pentecost 22 (Proper 26)

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Bible reference: Luke 19:1-10

(22 Pentecost, 4 Nov 2001)




CHARACTERS: A minimum of 6 very tall people. A small person to play Zacchaeus, dressed in Charlie Chaplin style clothes. A young person, preferably male, to play Jesus. Jesus can be dressed in normal clothes or in traditional costume if desired


PROPS: Zacchaeus is to carry a shoulder bag or sack filled with 'gold coin' chocolates, an A-frame ladder


(The line of very tall people enter. They are almost military in their bearing, very stiff and regimented. Zacchaeus can be 'slapstick' in his movements, even hamming up the setting up of the ladder. 'Jesus' is natural and relaxed in his movements, but dignified. The mime can be performed with Charlie Chaplin type silent movie music in the background.)


The very tall people all line up facing the front of the building, backs to audience. Zacchaeus enters carrying a shoulder bag of 'money'. He jumps up and down the line behind (congregation side) the very tall people trying to see over their shoulders. He is about to give up, when he hits upon an idea, adopting a bright idea pose.


Zacchaeus runs off and comes back with a ladder. He sets the ladder centre left of the line of very tall people. He picks up his shoulder bag and climbs the ladder. He pauses when he can see over the top of everyone.


Meanwhile 'Jesus' has entered and  positioned himself in front of the very tall people (opposite side to Zacchaeus). When Zacchaeus has climbed the ladder and paused for a moment, the line of very tall people splits in half to show 'Jesus' standing there looking up at Zacchaeus.


'Jesus' steps forward and gestures to Zacchaeus to come down. The lines of very tall people spin around to face the congregation. They are frowning and their arms are crossed, football style, in front. Zacchaeus looks around to see who Jesus is pointing at. He mouths and gestures a query that 'Jesus' actually wants him. Jesus nods and gestures 'yes'. Zacchaeus climbs down excitedly.


On his knees before 'Jesus', he presents his shoulder bag to him, gesturing out to the people of the congregation. 'Jesus' nods 'yes' and then helps Zacchaeus up and gestures up the centre aisle. Zacchaeus is so happy he leaps and cavorts around 'Jesus'. They head towards the centre aisle.


As Zacchaeus bounds up the aisle, with Jesus, he reaches into his shoulder bag and distributes 'gold coin' chocolates to members of the congregation. (Not everyone need receive one as it would, unfortunately, be too expensive!)


When Zacchaeus and 'Jesus' reach the back of the building, the very tall people troop off, snootily, in a different direction. All exit.



© Michelle Pitman 1998


Permission is given for the owner of the disk to make sufficient copies of the script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.