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The resources that follow belong to the Lutheran Church of Australia, except where indicated otherwise; and are freely made available for non-commercial worship purposes. They are sourced from the LCA's website


Most resources are attributed to the LCA's Committee on Worship, but in truth there are numerous individuals involved in the writing and compiling of the following.

Information about the three lectionary can be found at

This compiled version has been put together for the ease of use of individuals or groups who often prepare worship services. Like the LCA worship resources, it is provided free of charge.

This is a very large resource. In print form it would take up over 3,000 pages!

Included is material on the Season of Creation. This is not part of the LCA resources. It is included here because this new season is being used more and more frequently.  Material for this is freely available from

In Christ,

Rev Adrian Muller,

Commemoration of Bede the Venerable, 25 May 2009