Drama - Year B - Pentecost 06 (Proper 11)

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Drama - Year B - Pentecost 06 (Proper 11)

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Bible reference: Ephesians 2:14-18





Two clowns (or ordinary people could be used!) and eight other people



Two large, sturdy boxes able to support the weight of the clowns and the cross bridge, a large cross that is strong enough to support the weight of the two clowns standing on it, and wide enough that they can walk across it. Six signs with captions as below. A blue tarpaulin or sheet. It is advisable to mark the exact positions on the stage area where the two boxes should be placed, with chalk or masking tape, so that they do not accidentally finish up too far apart for the cross to span.


All characters enter and take up positions. Two clowns are standing on large, sturdy boxes on either side of  a wide space. Between them, under a blue tarpaulin/sheet lie six people, heads towards the audience.


The two clowns stare at one another as if looking over a great distance. They reach out to one another and then indicate the space between them and shrug hopelessly. They then reach out to one another.


One by one the people under the tarpaulin/sheet hold up signs which read HOSTILITY, HATRED, REVENGE, INTOLERANCE, PRIDE, GREED.


After the signs are all held up the clowns give an even bigger gesture of hopelessness and begin to turn away. As they do so two people carry in a large, sturdy cross. They lay it down resting firmly on the two boxes so that it bridges the gap between them. As they do so there is movement under the tarpaulin/sheet. One by one each person reverses their signs to show PEACE, LOVE, FORGIVENESS, ACCEPTANCE, HUMILITY, THANKFULNESS. The two cross carriers exit.


While all this is going on the clowns look on in amazement. Then carefully they walk towards each other on the cross. When they meet in the middle they shake hands, then they get down off the cross and walk off together. After a pause the people under the tarpaulin/sheet exit.



© Noel Davis 1999


Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.