Drama - Year C - Saturday in Holy Week

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Drama - Year C - Saturday in Holy Week

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Bible reference: John 19:38-42




CHARACTERS: Priest, Mary, John, 6 pall-bearers, body, extra mourners if desired, at least three singers, policeman, Jesus


PROPS: Table covered with a white sheet so you can't see under it (the sheet should be stuck down so that it doesn't move or fall off accidentally), sheet for body wrap, lectern,


(Some slow dirge-like music is played as a funeral procession enters and walks slowly up the aisle. They are all dressed in black. The priest in black robes leads the procession. He is followed by Mary (Jesus' mother), and John who is comforting and supporting her. They are followed by six pall-bearers who are carrying a body wrapped in a white sheet. If desired, other mourners may follow. When the procession reaches the front, Mary and John and the other mourners stand to the sides of a table covered in a white sheet while the pall-bearers reverently place the body on it. Then they too stand to the sides of the table. The priest goes to a lectern, the mourners stand with heads bowed)



(Solemnly) Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the death of a loved one who has been tragically cut down in the prime of his life. We say our last goodbyes to a dear friend and family member. Though he has been taken from us at only 33 years of age, he has touched the lives of many and achieved so much. The way in which he was taken from us was simply abodin . . . abdonin . . . (Everyone in funeral party looks at priest) abomb . . . terrible (Everyone looks relieved). However, his memory will live on forever in our hearts and

. . .


(Singers interrupt, entering down aisle dancing and loudly singing the chorus of Hillsong's  'This Is How We Overcome'. They are wearing bright festive colours)



(Happily) 'You have turned my sorrow into dancing. You have turned my mourning into joy'. (Repeat if the aisle is a long one. The mourners look shocked and horrified)



(Interrupting angrily) How dare you come in here and interrupt us like that. This is a funeral! Have you no respect for the dead? This is a time of grief and sorrow and mourning!



No, it's not, it's a time of joy and celebration!


(The singers start singing again, the mourners angrily start to shout things at them like 'How dare you make a mockery of this funeral!' 'You can't come in here dancing and singing!' 'Show some respect!' 'Get out of here!' etc The singers start to shout back at them and a full-scale argument begins. During the argument (which should not go on for too long) the mourners move in front of the table so that the body can no longer be seen. When completely hidden, the 'body' rolls off the table leaving the body-wrap behind and hides under the table. Policeman enters, sees argument and blows whistle. There is a sudden silence)



(With British accent) 'Ullo, 'ullo,' ullo, what's all this then? What's going on here? (Everyone starts talking at once, policeman yells) One at a time! (Everyone starts talking, policeman blows whistle again) Look, do I have to take you lot all down to the station? (Looks threateningly around group. Points to priest) 'Ere, you look like a respectable, law-abiding sort, wot's this all about then?



We were trying to have a decent, proper, solemn funeral, when these . . . these stupid hooligans . . .



(Interrupting) We're not hooligans!



(To singer 1) 'Ere, you'll 'ave your turn later. You just be quiet and let them 'ave theirs. And show some respect, this is a funeral. Look, (Takes off hat) I'm even taking my hat off.



But . . .



(Threateningly) Do you want to finish this down at the station? (Singer 1 shakes head) Good. (Turns to priest) Now please continue, sir.



Well, we were in the middle of the funeral when they just came bursting in here dancing and singing at the top of their voices!



(Variously) Yeah! He's right! That's what happened! etc



I see. (To singer 1) Now, do you have any explanation for this unlikely behaviour.



They're a mob of hooligans with no respect!



(To priest) You 'ad your turn, sir, now it's theirs, and (Wagging finger at him) I won't tolerate any more interruptions to the course of my duties, do I make myself clear? (To singer 1) So, what 'ave you got to say for yourself, then?



We were dancing and singing, because it's a time for celebration, not mourning. You see he's not dead . . .



(Can't believe this) Not dead! (Indicating) We've got a body over there! A dead body!



Right, it looks like you'd better show me this corpse . . . er, dearly departed, then, so I can er . . . examine the evidence.



(Confidently going to table) It's over here! (Crowd parts to reveal empty table)



Where is it exactly, sir?



(Shocked, looking around, looking under sheet) It was here! He was right here!



(Variously joining in) Yes, he was there. We put him right there. etc



(Picking up body-wrap) Well, he's not here now!


(Jesus enters dressed in white robe and stands in aisle at rear of building arms out-stretched showing scars)



(Pointing at Jesus, amazed) Jesus Christ! (Everyone turns to look)






He's alive!



That's what we've been trying to tell you! (Jesus walks down aisle to join them. They all crowd around him joyfully. During this the person who was the body joins them and blends in with crowd. They all exit dancing and singing, 'You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have turned my sorrow into joy.' Or music for song could start to play and entire audience joins in singing song with them)



© 2000 LYSA Convention Drama Workshop


Permission is given for the owner of this disk to make sufficient copies of this script for their group or congregation, for rehearsal and performance purposes only.